

Agrarian culture icon Agrarian cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Empire growth and Population abundance, and in some cases, resource efficiency.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population.

Affinity Action: Greener Pastures[]

Can attract 1Population from each adjacent Territory's City or Outpost. It will create a Grievance against you for each impacted Empire.

  • This action will cost a sum of Influence.
  • Once triggered, this action will be available again after fulfilling the Agrarian Affinity meter.

Affinity Bonus: Community[]

Gains 5Stability when gaining Population.

  • This bonus does not modify the city's target stability percentage.
  • This bonus is scaled by game speed

Transcendence Bonus: Growing Cultivation[]

+5%Food on City or Outpost.

Era Star threshold formula[]

The same formula applies to the Agrarian Era Stars of every Era in the Normal Game Speed.

  • 1st or Bronze Agrarian Star
    • Grow an additional (Number of Era * 7) + 5 Population.
  • 2nd or Silver Agrarian Star
    • Grow an additional (Number of Era * 7) + 5 Population.
  • 3rd or Gold Agrarian Star
    • Grow an additional (Number of Era * 7) + 5 Population.

Number of Era = [1] Ancient ... [6] Contemporary

Game Speed = not part of formula


The next era Bronze star can be unlocked with progress past the current era Gold star threshold (unknown formula).

Agrarian Stars Tips[]

Have high Food production (the more excess Food, the faster the growth speed) and free Specialist slots.

May build Units as they tend to be cheaper than Districts or Infrastructures.

Use Affinity Action: Greener Pastures to steal Population from other Empires or Independent People.

Population from Outposts counts.

List of Agrarian cultures[]

Ancient Era[]

HarappansHarappansAgrarian Agrarian

Classical Era[]

CeltsCeltsAgrarian Agrarian
GaramantesGaramantesAgrarian Agrarian

Medieval Era[]

EnglishEnglishAgrarian Agrarian
TaínoTaínoAgrarian Agrarian

Early Modern Era[]

HaudenosauneeHaudenosauneeAgrarian Agrarian
MaasaiMaasaiAgrarian Agrarian

Industrial Era[]

HawaiiansHawaiiansAgrarian Agrarian
MexicansMexicansAgrarian Agrarian

Contemporary Era[]

BraziliansBraziliansAgrarian Agrarian
NigeriansNigeriansAgrarian Agrarian
TurksTurksAgrarian Agrarian
