
Alliance is a special diplomatic relationship, in which the two Empires are allied with each other, thus lead to closer relationships and deeper cooperation.

Alliances need to be proposed in the Relation Tab via the Propose Alliance button. Similar to other diplomatic proposals, the empire considering the other's offer may counter by asking for Money in return for accepting; if your empire's proposal is refused, you need to wait 5turns before proposing it again.

Allied Empires are not only able to benefit from upgraded versions of basic Treaties but also able to propose more advanced Treaties, in order to receive larger benefits and support from each other.

Allied Empires can Demand each other join an ongoing war; refusing will allow the ally to break the alliance.

Alliances can be broken via the Break Alliance button, but doing so will give 20War Support to the other Empire and update the Traitor reputation badge. Additional treaties that were active also provide 20War Support each.

Alliances set the War Support equilibrium 40 points lower.

Alliance Treaties[]
