Ancient Era is one of the Eras in Humankind. When entering this era, the player can choose between ten cultures. After the culture is chosen, the era transition will accrue in between ths and the next turn. The Ancient Era unlocks the ability to build Cities, research technologies, create a religion, and so on. In this era, two new Strategic Resources (, ) are available after researching the corresponding technologies. To progress to the next era the player has to collect 7 of the 21 era stars. The previous era is the Neolithic Era. The next era is the Classical Era.
In-game description: "Marked by the large-scale smelting of bronze, as well as the beginnings of urbanization and widespread use of the wheel and plow".
Ah, the challenges of a young civilization. It's hard keeping up with the neighbors when they have the wheel, and you don't... Humankind learns quickly that everyone contributes: if you're terrified of wild animals you can grow lentils or catch fish.
Tribes settle towns: towns develop markets: and markets begin the exchange of goods, services, and -most important- rumors and hearsay.
Ancient Era cultures[]
Ancient Era technologies[]
Ancient Era wonders[]

- The Ancient Era was initially known as "Bronze Era".