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They hold a rather unique place in both geography and anthropology, the Australians. Though I have been told that the correct pronunciation is actually "Strine".~ When entering new Era with this culture
Always a pleasure to meet the laid-back Australians. Unless you're at war, in which case they can be unexpectedly unpleasant.~ When meeting this culture

The Australians are one of the cultures available in the Contemporary Era, with the Builder culture focus.

"Stepping out of the shadow of their commonwealth history, confident Australians are recognizing all their roots and building a vibrant, outward-looking society."

Culture orientation[]

Builder culture icon Builder cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on internal improvements or great feats of construction.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Builder Era Stars for building new Districts.

Affinity action: Land Raiser[]

Can set a City into "Land Raiser" mode.

  • All the Money and Science output of the City are converted into Industry.
  • The City will only produce Food and Industry when this mode is activated.
  • The action can be applied only one City at a time, with a 10turn cooldown.
  • The mode lasts for at least 5turns until it can be deactivated.

Affinity Bonus: Pride[]

Gains 10Stability when completing a District's construction.

  • This bonus does not modify the city's target stability percentage.
  • This bonus is scaled by game speed

Transcendence Bonus: Chisel and Draft[]

+5% Industry on City or Outpost.

Trait: Dream Weavers[]

Emblematic quarter: Strip Mining Complex[]

“Harnessing machinery of stupendous dimensions, strip mining removes entire stratas of topsoil to reach mineral seams.”

Strip Mining Complex

Emblematic unit: All Terrain PMV[]

"These improved APCs include modifications that adapt them to the extremes of Australian geography."

All Terrain PMV
Armoured Vehicle
Immune to "Suppression".
Ignores all terrain Movement penalties.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Darwin, Wollongong, Cairns

  • The first new city found by this culture will use the first name on the city list.

