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If other empires won't open their front doors to your artists and thinkers, you can send in your agents the back way…~ When entering new Era with this culture
Excellent diplomats and spies, the Austro-Hungarians. Very civilized. Very cultured. Very likely to know more about you than you do.~ When meeting this culture

The Austro-Hungarians (known as A-H among the players) are one of the cultures available in the Industrial Era, with the Aesthete culture focus.

"From grand opera houses to exuberant coffee houses, the Austro-Hungarians enjoy lively debate on matters philosophical, musical, and literary, powering their society."

Culture orientation[]

Aesthete culture icon Aesthete cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Influence and diplomacy.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence.

Affinity Action: Cultural Blitz[]

Can spend Money promoting patriotic works of art in specific Territories, pushing back foreign spheres of influence and generating Influence.

  • Immediately bring one of your Empire's Territories back into its sphere of influence, and gain Influence for each adjacent Territory already in your sphere.
  • If you do not have the strongest Influence in the Territory, there is a high chance it will start converting back after you use this action.

Affinity Bonus: Grace[]

Cultural Proximity is always maxed out due to Aesthete affinity.

Transcendence Bonus: Artist's Might[]

+5%Influence on District.

Trait: Emperor's Hand[]

Emblematic quarter: Opernhaus[]

“Hosting opera performances by the world's greatest ballet schools and philharmonic orchestras, the opernhaus promotes peace of mind.”


Emblematic unit: Evidenzbureau Agents[]

“Members of the world’s first military intelligence service, these agents operate in many different campaigns and theaters.”

Evidenzbureau Agents
Ranged-combat Unit, must have line of sight to attack. Fights at full Combat Strength even when defending against close-combat attacks. With Entrenching Tool, gains "Dug-In" status if they do not move during their Battle round.
Ignores all terrain Movement penalties.
Able to enter any foreign Territory and remain Concealed as long as they have any Stealth. In Battle, they are invisible until attacking or adjacent to enemy Units.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Wien, Budapest, Prag, Triest, Agram, Serajewo, Salzburg, Graz, Pressburg, Brünn

  • The first new city found by this culture will use the first name on the city list.


  • The in-game appearance of the Austro-Hungarian City Center is based on the Országház, the parliament building of Hungary constructed in the Austro-Hungarian era.
