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Diplomats who also happen to have a very convincing cavalry—now that's innovation.~ When entering new Era with this culture
It is said that your Bulgarian neighbors once sipped wine from the skulls of defeated enemies. Probably nothing to worry about.~ When meeting this culture

The Bulgarians are a culture available in the Medieval Era, with the Diplomatic culture focus.

"Known to all as uncommonly fierce warriors, the Bulgarians also rely on their merciless negotiation tactics to achieve their aims."

Culture orientation[]

Diplomatic culture icon Diplomatic cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused gathering and collecting Leverage.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Diplomatic Era Stars for collecting Leverage during each era.

Affinity action: Demilitarization[]

Can force a ceasefire into one Territory for 10turns, making it known to the international community: all unauthorized military Units present in the Territory are trespassing.

  • If the targeted Territory has already been claimed by an Empire, only the owner and any Empires they have authorized to cross their borders will be able to move freely within it.
  • If the targeted Territory was unclaimed, the Empire establishing the demilitarization will be considered its temporary owner.
  • Automatically applies the trespassing status to the unauthorized Units already standing in the Territory at the next turn.
  • Unauthorized military Units present in this Territory are trespassing and generate +1Leverage per Unit for your Empire against their owner each turn.

Affinity Bonus: Big Brother[]

Transcendence Bonus: Power of Persuasion[]

-5%Leverage Actions cost.

Trait: Victors' Honor[]

Emblematic quarter: Knyaz Library[]

“Behind its walls, this library holds countless volumes of learning waiting to be studied by scholars and clerics.”

Knyaz Library

Emblematic unit: Bagaturi[]

“An ancestral knowledge of horseriding gives these mounted fighters remarkable ease with bow and arrow.”

Ranged-combat Unit. Receives a penalty (-8) when defending against close-combat attacks.
Ransacker Boost
Combat Strength bonus (+?) after performing a ransack.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Prěslavlĭ, Plĭskovŭ, Ohridŭ, Srědĭtsĭ, Bělŭgradŭ, Mesemvriya, Skopĭe, Drŭstŭrŭ, Nikopolĭ, Bŭdinŭ
