Civics screen

Civics represent societal matters on which the player can position the Empire by making a choice between propositions, and thus forging the Empire's character and ideology. The game context and the Empire actions will sometimes line up and unlock the conditions for a new civic. Each civic has two options to choose from. Both choices correspond to a possible answer to the question raised by the civic. Either choice will modify the Empire ideologies and have gameplay effects or unlock content. Empires can only enact one of the choices by spending Influence.

Enacting Civics[]

Civics may be enacted for an Influence cost. This cost will increase as more civics are enacted and as later Eras are reached. In addition, enacted civics may be revoked for an additional Influence cost.

Civic enactment cost

Influence cost =

C = Number of Civics currently enacted

Civic revocation cost

Influence cost =

Civic enactment Influence cost with 0% discount on normal speed:

Show/Hide table
Civics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Era I 20 21 29 50 94 167 278 437 650 928 1279 1712 2235 2859 3593 4445 5425 6542 7807 9227
Era II 20 22 37 80 167 314 537 853 1281 1836 2538 3403 4451 5699 7165 8869 10829 13064 15593 18435
Era III 20 23 46 110 241 460 795 1270 1911 2744 3797 5095 6666 8538 10738 13294 16234 19586 23380 27642
Era IV 20 24 54 141 314 607 1054 1687 2541 3653 5056 6787 8882 11378 14311 17719 21639 26109 31166 36850
Era V 20 25 63 171 388 754 1312 2103 3172 4561 6315 8478 11097 14217 17884 22143 27044 32631 38953 46057
Era VI 20 26 71 201 461 901 1570 2520 3802 5469 7574 10170 13313 17056 21456 26568 32448 39153 46739 55264

Civic revocation Influence cost with 0% discount on normal speed:

Show/Hide table
Eras Era I Era II Era III Era IV Era V Era VI
Influence 35 305 755 1385 2195 3185

Both these costs are further modified by a number of technologies and tenets.

These reductions are additive, but the max reduction is capped at 99%.

Civic Backlash[]

See also: Civics Osmosis

A Civic Osmosis can happen if a City fall into the influence of another Empire, and the foreign Empire picked a different choice on a given Civic. The Empire can either adopt the suggested civic for free, or refuse.

  • Refusing will lead to a loss of Stability by applying Defiant status (-50 for 10turns) on the City.
  • Certain Civics also have a diplomatic effect; such Civic are marked by a small globe symbol (🌐) on the Civic icon. Refusing to enact a globed Civic choice will create a special Grievance for the foreign Empire, and they can demand the refusing Empire to change it.

Civic List[]

Civics are arranged in a total of 7 different categories. These are (from left to right on the in-game Civic table):

7 Economy Civics, Civics related to public spending and investment.

5 Army Civics, Civics related to military and martial matters.

6 Justice Civics, Civics related to the treatment of criminals and other civil issues.

7 Government Civics, Civics related to the organization of your ministry and politics.

4 Society Civics, Civics related to day-to-day life in your Empire.

5 Culture Civics, Civics related to cultural issues and art.

6 Religion Civics, Civics related to beliefs and what is acceptable or not.

Among the Civics, there is a special type of Civics that are marked by a small globe symbol (🌐) before unlocked. There are Civics that have a diplomatic effect; refusing such Civics in an Osmosis event will create a special Grievance for the influencing foreign Empire, deteriorate the relationship between the two Empires.

  • There are a total of 1 1 globed Civics.
  • Every Empire's Civic choice will be displayed on the top of the selection window of these globed Civics, to inform other Empires about every Empire's position on these Civics.
  • These globed Civics are marked by underline texts in the below tables.

Government Civics[]

Name Description Options Requirements to Unlock
UI Civics Government 01
Founding Myths
By what right do we rule? Natural Right (+3Progress)

We claim inherent dominion over the land and beasts.

Divine Mandate (+3Tradition)

Our supremacy is ordained, for we are the chosen ones.

UI Civics Government 02
How do we lead? Small Council (+4Liberty)

A handful of the wisest heads to give good counsel.

Autarch (+4Authority)

The absolute will of the leader should not be diluted.

UI Civics Government 03
Political Entitlement
What political system does the small council support? Aristocracy (+4Tradition)

The superior bloodlines of the nobility can lead this empire to greatness.

Republic (+4Liberty)

Supreme power should be held by the people and their elected representatives.

UI Civics Government 04
Political Influence
Who has the ear of the autarch? Monarchy (+5Authority)

Only those of royal descent should wield political power.

Aristocracy (+5Tradition)

The superior bloodlines of the nobility can lead this empire to greatness.

UI Civics Government 06
Republic Evolution
Should there be a diversity of poltical representation? One-Party State (+5Authority)

A single, unified party reflecting the ever-changing will of the people.

Democratic Republic (+5Liberty)

Political parties of many stripes compete for the backing of the people

UI Civics Government 05
Monarchy Power
What type of monarchy is this? Absolute Monarchy (+6Authority)

The desires of the monarch are the desires of the empire.

Constitutional Monarchy (+6Liberty)

With curtailed powers, the monarchy is a more beloved institution of the people.

UI Civics Government 07
Aristocracy Evolution
Whose political interests should be represented? Oligarchy (+6Authority)

The empire's best interests are served by a concentration of political power.

Democratic Republic (+6Liberty)

Political parties of many stripes compete for the backing of the people.

Justice Civics[]

Name Description Options Requirements to Unlock
UI Civics Justice 01
What style of laws does the empire use? Codified Laws (+3Progress)

Laws will be debated, classified, and codified for perpetuity.

Customary Laws (+3Tradition)

Historical precedent and tradition serve as the basis for our judgments.

Civics Punishment
How should ordinary crimes be punished? Physical Punishment (+4Tradition)

Crimes will be met with the lash of whip, and obedience will follow.

Forfeiture (+4Progress)

Criminals must be penalized with the loss of their worldly possessions.

Civics Judicial Control
Judicial Control
How is the justice system overseen? Open Inspections (+5Collectivism)

A public body should scrutinize -- and report on -- every aspect of the justice system.

People's AssemblyPeople's Assemblyinfrastructure
  • Requires 1 Police Force Infrastructure (Industrial Era)
  • Requires
    • Democratic Republic choice for Republic Evolution or Aristocracy Evolution civic OR
    • Constitutional Monarchy choice for Monarchy Power civic
State Surveillance (+5Authority)

Covert monitoring of key figures is necessary to ensure control.

Secret PoliceSecret Policeinfrastructure
Civics Political Control
Political Control
How should political opposition be uncovered? State Surveillance (+6Collectivism)

Covert monitoring of key figures is necessary to ensure control.

Secret PoliceSecret Policeinfrastructure
  • Requires 1 Police Force Infrastructure (Industrial Era)
  • Requires
    • One Party State choice for Republic Evolution civic OR
    • Oligarchy for the Aristocracy Evolution civic OR
    • Constitutional Monarchy choice for Monarchy Power civic
Denunciation (+6Authority)

A network of secret informers will prevent dissidents from organizing.

Neighborhood WatchNeighborhood Watchinfrastructure
Civics Justice 5 Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
What should the death penalty be replaced with? Lifetime Sentence (+5Tradition)

The rest of the perpetrator's natural life to be spent imprisoned.

Hard Labor (+5Progress)

The debt to society can be partially repaid through hard, honest work.

Civics Justice6 Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
What should the death penalty be replaced with? Lifetime Sentence (+6Tradition)

The rest of the perpetrator's natural life to be spent imprisoned.

Rehabilitation (+6Progress)

Even the worst criminals can become productive members of society.

Army Civics[]

Name Description Options Requirements to Unlock
UI Civics Army 01
Army Composition
Who should fight for the empire? Conscripts (+3Authority)

Conscripted warriors will save us the cost of raising soldiers from the crib.

Professional Soldiers (+3Liberty)

Forged from the Youngest Age, professional warriors will give us stronger armies.

UI Civics Army 02
Independent Peoples
How should we use other peoples? Assimilated Peoples (+4Homeland)

Our empire will become stronger by opening our arms to new communities.

  • -50% Cost of signing Treaties with Independent People
Mercenary Armies (+4World)

Why let our own blood be spilled, when we can pay others to fight?

UI Civics Army 03
Army Wages
How should we finance our armies? Paid Wages (+4Homeland)

A decent, respectable soldiery must be founded on a dependable wage.

Plundered Wages (+4World)

Soldiers are kept alert by earning their keep.

UI Civics Army 04
Conquered Empires
What is our outlook on conquests? Anti-Imperialists (+5World)

Our heads can be held high when we fight those who would oppress.

Imperialists (+5Authority)

For the sake of harmony, only one empire should be the ultimate victor.

Civics Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear Weapons
What is our stance on nuclear weapons? Nuclear Disarmament (+6World)

The existence of weapons of mass destruction will always diminish humanity.

Nuclear Proliferation (+6Homeland)

Pragmatism dictates that a strong nuclear arsenal is the best deterrence.

Religion Civics[]

Name Description Options Requirements to Unlock
UI Civics Religion 01
Religious Rites
Should religious rites be communal or personal? Communal Rites (+3Collectivism)

Religious ceremonies can bind communities closer together

Personal Rites (+3Individualism)

The Act of worship is a sacred act between a believer and a higher power.

UI Civics Religion 02
Religious Tolerance
What is the Empire's outlook on other religions? Open-Minded (+4World)

Other faiths should be free to worship as they see fit.

Religious Hostility (+4Homeland)

There is only one true religion. The rest spread falsehoods.

UI Civics Religion 03
What should we do with the unfaithful? Eliminate Unbelievers (+5Authority)

Like disease carriers, the only prudent course of action for the unfaithful is death.

  • Unlocks after picked Religious Hostility choice for Religious Tolerance Civic.
  • Requires 2Holy Sites
Banish Unbelievers (+5Homeland)

Let the unfaithful spread their could ideologies elsewhere.

UI Civics Religion 04
Religious Minorities
Should religious minorities pay tribute? Taxed Minorities (+5Individualism)

A fair system encourages a more harmonious society.

  • Unlocks after picked Open-Minded choice for Religious Tolerance Civic.
  • Requires 2Holy Sites
Untaxed Minorities (+5Liberty)

Worshippers of other faiths should not be burdened with our religion's taxes.

UI Civics Religion 06
What kind of irreligious society do we want? Secularism (+6Liberty)

The functions of government are separate from religious institutions.


State Atheism (+6 Authority)

We oppose religious institutional power in all aspects of public and political life.

  • +20% Bonus on future Fame gains
  • Atheism now becomes your State Religion.
    • Atheism can spread to other territories through Faith output like a normal religion.
UI Civics Religion 05
Scientific Facts
What is the response to empirical findings that contradict religious truths? Literalism (+6Tradition)

What is written is the pure truth, regardless of what science says.

Compatibilism (+6Progress)

The holy words need not be taken literally, only their spirit is intended.

Culture Civics[]

Name Description Options Requirements to Unlock
UI Civics Culture 01
Cultural Blessing
What attitude should we have to outsider cultures? Monoculturalism (+3Homeland)

Without unity we will only sow division.

Multiculturalism (+3World)

A culture is like a rope -- stronger when composed of many strands.

The City needs to be created by Independent People. (You may liberate an Outpost or gift it to a roaming clan.)
It does not matter if the Independent City is Assimilated or Conquered.
Liberating and capturing your own Cities does not work.
Civics Artistic Ownership
Artistic Ownership
Who determines what is considered art? Academic Artists (+4Homeland)

Truth, beauty, virtue -- only the finest minds can recognise true art.

Academy of ArtsAcademy of Artsinfrastructure
Independent Artists (+4Liberty)

The creative fire exists in each and every one of us.

Artist's StudioArtist's Studioinfrastructure
UI Civics Culture 03
Artistic Expression
Should artists be subject to censorship or given free reign of expression? Free Arts (+5Liberty)

For every human soul to reach its potential, art must be free.

Censored Arts (+5Homeland)

Nothing is more dangerous than a world of unfettered ideas.

Civics Foreign Customs
Foreign Customs
Are Others' customs to be honored or dismantled? Cultural Respect (+6World)

Following others' customs is no threat to our fundamental identity.

Cultural Eradication (+6Homeland)

We should not unnecessarily dilute our culture with others' strange rites.

UI Civics Culture 04
Press Freedom
Should the news be controlled by the government? Freedom of Speech (+6Liberty)

Societal progress relies on the people speaking truth to power.

  • -20% Cost of canceling Civic
  • -20% Cost of enacting Civic
Propaganda (+6Authority)

The masses need simple stories for the good of the empire.

Economy Civics[]

Name Description Options Requirements to Unlock
UI Civics Economy 01
Fundamental Values
Is the empire's first concern citizens' security or happiness? Public Happiness (+3Liberty)

A joyful life begets a prosperous one.

Public Security (+3Authority)

The dangers of the world are myriad. Nothing is more vital than citizens' protection.

UI Civics Economy 03
Knowledge Authorities
Who has the biggest influence on our empire's knowledge? Elders' Wisdom (+4Tradition)

We must not forget the lessons of our own history.

Foreign Innovations (+4Progress)

Be not too proud -- outsiders bring many truths of the world.

UI Civics Economy 02
Land Rights
Does the Land belong to the empire or the People? Communal Land (+4Collectivism)

The fruits of the earth will be enjoyed by all.

Inherited Land (+4Individualism)

Family trees will best cultivate the soils over the generations.

UI Civics Economy 04
Materials Procurement
How should we secure necessary resources Seize Resources (+5Homeland)

The world's bounties belong to those that can take them.

Trade Resources (+5Individualism)

We are blessed in some things, lacking in others: Trade makes sense.

UI Civics Economy 05
International Trading
What is our guiding foreign economic policy? Isolationism (+5Homeland)

The fruits of our labor are ours and our allies alone.

Globalism (+5Individualism)

Money makes the world go round. And we don't want to stop it spinning.

Civics Industrial Production
Industrial Production
Who should own our most important industries? Nationalized Industries (+6Collectivism)

Some industries are too vital to be taken from the people's hands.

Privatized Industries (+6Individualism)

Private ownership does wonders for motivation.

Civics Working Conditions
Working Conditions
Do you prioritise our workers' or our companies' wellbeing? Workers' Rights (+6Collectivism)

Our workers are our most valuable asset.

Profit-focused (+6Individualism)

The remorseless pursuit of profit is the only winning strategy.

Society Civics[]

Name Description Options Requirements to Unlock
UI Civics Society 01
How do we procure slaves? Criminal Slaves (+3World)

Those who break our laws will become vassals for the empire.

War Slaves (+3Homeland)

The sons and daughters of the empire's enemies will become our slaves.

UI Civics Society 03
Should citizenship be universal or for selected groups? Universal Citizenship (+5Liberty)

Everyone is entitled to become a full citizen of the empire.

Select Citizenship (+5Authority)

Citizenship is conditional, not to be given to any wanderer within our borders.

UI Civics Society 02
What model should we employ four our cities on foreign shores? Vassal Colonies (+5Homeland)

Far-flung cities should understand they work for the homeland.

Naturalized Colonies (+5World)

New cities and their citizens, wherever they may be, are the equals of the old ones.

Civics Children's Rights
Children's Rights
What are the empire's children entitled to? Child Education (+6Progress)

The empire's continued progress is predicated on educating each generation anew.

Child Employment (+6Tradition)

Economic growth is the empire's first responsibility -- for all citizens, regardless of age.

Civics Progression guide[]

Government and Religious Civics have branching paths, the following table can help choosing a path. It is possible to backtrack and choose a different path, but it requires cancelling the previous Civic to change branch.

Government Civics Progression[]

2 Cities
Choices Small Council
+1 City Cap
+25Stability on Capital
3 Commons Quarters
3 Market Quarter
in same City
Political Entitlement Political Influence
Choices Republic
+3Combat Strength on Militia
+1Combat Strength on Emblematic Units
-20%Industry costs for Emblematic Districts
-20%Industry costs for Cultural Wonders
Centralized Power Tech
(Early Modern Era)
Republic Evolution Aristocracy Evolution Monarchy Power
Choices Democratic Republic
+1Science and +1Money from Commons Quarters
One-Party State
+10Stability on Territory
Democratic Republic
+1Science and +1Money from Commons Quarters
+20%Money from Grievances and Surrender
Constitutional Monarchy
-20% on District Buyout cost
Absolute Monarchy
-20% on Unit Buyout cost

Religion Civics Progression[]

Religion has Level 1 Tenet Religious Tolerance
Choices Open-Minded
+3Influence on Territories if it follows State Religion
Religious Hostility
+5Faith on Territories
Adds Heresy Grievances on Empires of different State Religion
2Holy Sites Religious Minorities Unbelievers
Choices Untaxed Minorities
+10Stability on Territories under a Religion's influence if Territories follow Foreign Religion
Taxed Minorities
+10Money on Territories under a Religion's influence if Territories follow Foreign Religion
Banished Unbelievers
Unlocks action Banish Population on Empire
Eliminate Unbelievers
Unlocks action Start Inquisition on Empire