
Curiosities are collectable resources on the map. They can appear randomly on the map. Bring Units to these tiles to discover Science, Food, etc.

Leverage Intel[]

Leverage Intel

The Leverage Intels are an exclusive content of the Together We Rule Expansion Pack. They can spawn after the Neolithic Era in foreign occupied Territories when and where a grievance is triggered. The Leverage Intel can be collected by Agents or any Units if the player chooses a Diplomatic culture.

Loot options[]

Pioneer Curiosities[]

The Pioneer Curiosities are an exclusive content of the Cultures of Africa Pack. They can spawn after the Neolithic Era if the current Culture is the Bantu. These curiosities can only appear in unclaimed territories and only visible to the player who is playing the Bantu Culture. The Pioneer Curiosities can be collected by any Units other than the Bagèndí Pioneers, but only the Bagèndí Pioneers will benefit from the collected Food.

Loot options[]

Note: the Food is only useful if the collecting Army is made of Bagèndí Pioneers

List of curiosities[]

Neolithic Era[]

Name Effects Map Description
+5 on the discovering Nomad Army Land A thick copse, dense with fruit-bearing bushes gives a bounty of berries.
+10 on the discovering Nomad Army Land Full of energy and easy to store, walnuts, almonds, and chestnuts are a welcome discovery.
+15 on the discovering Nomad Army Land A small lagoon cut off from the river teems with shrimp and fish.


Land In the remains of a mysterious settlement lay some artifacts from previous inhabitants.

Ancient Era[]

Name Effects Map Description


Land To the trained eye, bones and fossils can provide clues about food, predators, and weather.
+10Science Land This remnant of an old civilization says something about the rites and traditions of a long-dead people.
+5-10Money Land Your troops have discovered a few old trinkets and coins, buried and forgotten.
+10-15Money Land Dead animals can still provide valuable materials like leather, bones and ivory.
Spawns a Warriors Unit Land With no other future besides foraging and desperation, these soldiers are happy to join you.

Classical Era[]

Name Effects Map Description
Creates an Outpost on the tile of the Curiosity. Land Your troops have discovered an abandoned village; a great place for a shelter or camp.
+30Money Land Dead animals can still provide valuable materials like leather, bones and ivory.
+?Money Water Driven ashore by rough weather, this wrecked ship still contains valuables.
+?Science Land Driven by curiosity, this friendly group of adventurers has gathered a surprising amount of knowledge.
+?Science Water Driven ashore by rough weather, this wrecked ship still contains valuables.
Spawns an unknown Unit Land Left to drift and run ashore, this abandoned vessel is a windfall for your troops.
Spawns a Quadrireme Unit Water Left to drift and run ashore, this abandoned vessel is a windfall for your troops.

Medieval Era[]

Name Effects Map Description
+70Money Land Your troops have discovered a few old trinkets and coins, buried and forgotten.
+?Money Water Dead animals can still provide valuable materials like leather, bones and ivory.
+?Science Land Driven by curiosity, this friendly group of adventurers has gathered a surprising amount of knowledge.
+?Science Water Driven ashore by rough weather, this wrecked ship still contains valuables.
Spawns an unknown Unit Land With no other future besides foraging and desperation, these soldiers are happy to join you.
Spawns a Cog Unit Water Left to drift and run ashore, this abandoned vessel is a windfall for your troops.

Early Modern Era[]

Name Effects Map Description
+?Money Land Your troops have discovered a few old trinkets and coins, buried and forgotten.
+?Money Water Dead animals can still provide valuable materials like leather, bones and ivory.
+?Science Land Driven by curiosity, this friendly group of adventurers has gathered a surprising amount of knowledge.
+?Science Water Driven ashore by rough weather, this wrecked ship still contains valuables.
Spawns an Arquebusiers Unit Land With no other future besides foraging and desperation, these soldiers are happy to join you.
Spawns a Privateers Unit Water Left to drift and run ashore, this abandoned vessel is a windfall for your troops.