

Expansionist culture icon Expansionist cultures favor a gameplay orientation focused on Empire expansion, not necessarily through war.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories.

Affinity Action: Under One Banner[]

Can forcibly annex Territories occupied by other Empire's Outposts and Administrative Centers.

  • For annexing, you need to move an Army to stand on another Empire's Outpost or Administrative Center.
  • The process will take the Army a few turns, cost a sum of Money, and can be interrupted when someone attacking the annexing Army.
  • You cannot trigger multiple annexations at the same time, and will need to wait a few turns after each successful annexation before using this Affinity Action again.
  • Territories held by your Allies cannot be annexed.

Affinity Bonus: Ambition[]

Can always trespass due to Expansionist affinity.

  • That is, can actively trespass despite the Border Policy Treaty being at Closed Borders.
  • The trespassing Army will not suffer trespassing Health penalty anymore.
  • The "Trespassing" Grievance still applies to the trespassing Army.

Transcendence Bonus: Oath of Allegiance[]

+10Stability on City or Outpost.

Era Stars threshold formula[]

The same formula applies to the Expansionist Era Stars of every Era in the Normal Game Speed.

  • 1st or Bronze Expansionist Star
  • 2nd or Sliver Expansionist Star
    • Having a total of (((Number of Era * 0.20) + 1) * WorldSize) * 0.80 Territories attached to cities.
  • 3rd or Gold Expansionist Star
    • Having a total of (((Number of Era * 0.20) + 1) * WorldSize) * 0.80 Territories attached to cities.

Expansionist Stars Tips[]

Early game, choose Customary Laws for Legitimacy Civic for cheaper Outposts (may switch when there is no more land to claim).

The Settler unit enables building a city directly without having to build an Outpost and turning it into a city, thus saving Influence.

Grievances on Territories may be gained with Demands. Even if the opposing Empire refuses, it provides War Support and a justification for War.

List of Expansionist cultures[]

Ancient Era[]

AssyriansAssyriansExpansionist Expansionist
BantuBantuExpansionist Expansionist

Classical Era[]

Achaemenid PersiansAchaemenid PersiansExpansionist Expansionist
PolynesiansPolynesiansExpansionist Expansionist
RomansRomansExpansionist Expansionist

Medieval Era[]

TeutonsTeutonsExpansionist Expansionist

Early Modern Era[]

IncaIncaExpansionist Expansionist
OttomansOttomansExpansionist Expansionist
SpanishSpanishExpansionist Expansionist

Industrial Era[]

BritishBritishExpansionist Expansionist
RussiansRussiansExpansionist Expansionist

Contemporary Era[]

AmericansAmericansExpansionist Expansionist
SovietsSovietsExpansionist Expansionist

