
This page collects all the information and mechanics related to the 4 basic city yields. For other city- and empire-wide yields and their mechanics such as Faith, Influence, and Stability, please see their own individual pages.

FIMS stands for Food, Industry, Money, and Science. These are the 4 basic yields for running an Empire in Humankind, and are produced in Cities and Outposts.

Producing the FIMS[]

All the FIMS yields come from cities and outposts; an uncontrolled territory cannot produce any yields for the empire.

Within a city, there will be 4 major sources of FIMS, and will produce FIMS every turn:

The 4 basic Districts, and many of the Infrastructures, are categorized by Food-Industry-Money-Science as well.


Food is used to sustain and grow the Population in a City or an Outpost.

Food Production[]

For Outposts, they generate Food based on their exploitation from surrounding tiles. To increase its Food production, you can build resource extractors to increase the exploitation area or move the Outpost to a more fertile area using Influence. As of Vauban Update (April 2023) Harbors no longer exploit the terrain in Outposts.

For Cities, they generate Food based on their exploitation from surrounding tiles or Population working Specialist Slots. Cities can build additional Districts and Infrastructures to increase their Food production and its exploitation.

The Feudalism technology (Medieval Era) increases exploitation by +1Food.

Food Consumption[]

A Population, whether in an Outpost or a City, always consumes the same amount of Food, based on the formula below:

A graph illustrating the function of food consumed per population.

Total Food Consumption Formula

Food consumption = 0.25 * P2 + 6 * P

P = population count

Units, if not fully created and are still in the production queue, will still consume Food. The consumption is based on their Population cost. Once a Unit is built, they will not consume Food anymore, and will have an upkeep instead.

Both City and Outpost have a Population limit based on the total Specialist Slots. If a City or Outpost exceeds its Population limit, it will receive a penalty of -16 per unemployed .

Food consumption by Population is reduced by the Microbiology technology (Industrial Era) through Pasteurization by -20%.

Food Excess formula[]

Any excess Food contributes towards building a % of a new Population, based on the formula below:

Pop Gain formula

% Pop Gain = 1 - 1/ (1 + 0.02 * Excess Food)

This gives diminishing returns for excessive food amounts, e.g. some values

  • 10 Excess Food -> 17% Pop Growth (1 Pop every 6 Turns)
  • 25 Excess Food -> 33% Pop Growth (1 Pop every 3 Turns)
  • 50 Excess food -> 50% Pop Growth (1 Pop every 2 Turns)
  • 100 Excess Food -> 67% Pop Growth (2 Pops over 3 Turns)
  • 150 Excess Food -> 75% Pop Growth (3 Pops over 4 Turns)
  • 200 Excess Food -> 80% Pop Growth (4 Pops over 5 Turns)
  • 450 Excess Food -> 90% Pop Growth (9 Pops over 10 Turns)
  • 950 Excess Food -> 95% Pop Growth (19 Pops over 20 Turns)

In the limit this equation tends to 1 Pop per turn (but It is impossible to actually ever reach 1 Pop per Turn).


Industry is used to build Constructibles - Units, Districts, Infrastructures, and Cultural Wonders, etc. - in the form of a City's production queue. It can be produced by Cities and its Districts, Population working in Specialist Slots, and exploitations.

Industry will not be lost if a City's Industry per turn exceeds the cost of an item in the production queue; the Industry overflow will be transferred to the next item in the queue, or stocked for the next turn.

Science output for researching Technologies works the same way.

For Outposts, Industry serves no purpose except for its construction.


Money is the generic "currency" and can be used to buyout constructible items, trade resources from other Empires, upgrade Units, and pay the upkeep of Units. It is mostly produced by Market Quarters and Trade Routes, and the primary resource for buyout.

Constructible Buyout Cost=

P=remaining Production



Science is used to research Technologies in the tech tree.

If you researched all the technologies of the current Era before advancing into next Era, the extra/overflowing Science generated will not be "saved up", until the new technologies of next Era are available.


Categorizing primary resources for an empire into Food, Industry, Money, and Science is a concept drawing from the earlier Amplitude games, Endless Legend and Endless Space.
