The Farmers Quarter is a generic District, which is available in Cities after the player reached the Ancient Era.
Basic Effects[]
- Exploits Food from below and adjacent tiles
- +1Food
- +1Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
- +1Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
- -10Stability
Infrastructure Effects[]
Animal Barns (Animal Husbandry level 1)
- +1Food on Farmers Quarters
- +1Food on Farmers Quarters per adjacent Farmers Quarter
Factory Farming (Animal Husbandry level 2)
- +2Food on Farmers Quarter
- +2Pollution on Farmers Quarter
- +2Food on Farmers Quarters per adjacent Farmers Quarter
Technology Effects[]
Electricity - Coal Generators
Microbiology - Soil Preparation
- Modify Farmers Quarter's Industry cost by -20%
Power Lines - Aluminium Smelting
Computing - Volunteer Computing
- +1Science on Regular District
Nuclear Fission - Uranium Radioisotopes
World-Wide Web - Internet Reselling
- +1Money on Regular District
World-Wide Web - Content Creation
Related Infrastructures[]
Following Infrastructures can be constructed once the City has at least 1Farmers Quarter:

Emblematic Quarters acting as Farmers Quarters[]
