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Born in the great era of enlightenment revolutions, will the French live up to their best, or launch another round of Terrors?~ When entering new Era with this culture
The French in one of their moments of glory! Who could have imagined that a bunch of scientists could look so dashing on horseback?~ When meeting this culture

The French are one of the cultures available in the Industrial Era, with the Scientist culture focus.

"Politics and art are never far from French minds, but it is in the sciences that this culture truly excels, producing world-leading chemists, bacteriologists, and physicists."

Culture orientation[]

Scientist culture icon Scientist cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Science and research.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technologies.

Affinity Action: Collective Minds[]

Can set a City into "Collective Minds" mode.

  • All the Industry and Money output of the City are converted into Science.
  • The City will only produce Food and Science when this mode is activated.
  • The action can be applied only one City at a time, with a 10turn cooldown.
  • The mode lasts for at least 5turns until it can be deactivated.

Affinity Bonus: Foresight[]

+1 Era available to research.

Transcendence Bonus: Boundless Curiosity[]

+5%Science on City or Outpost.

Trait: Enlightened Thinking[]

Emblematic quarter: Exhibition Hall[]

“In this grand palatial building, housing exhibitions like the world fair, citizens can see a dizzying array of new inventions.”

Exhibition Hall

Emblematic unit: Cuirassiers[]

“Elite French cavalry, the cuirassiers are a potent and brave strike force that can charge the enemy even when under heavy fire”

Heavy Cavalry
Fast, hard-hitting mounted Unit able to charge enemies. Receives bonus Combat Strength (+3) if attacking non-adjacent enemies. Unable to climb Fortifications.
Heavier Charge
Receives a much higher Combat Strength bonus (+7) when charging.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rouen, Strasbourg, Saint-Etienne, Ajaccio

  • The first new city found by this culture will use the first name on the city list.

