Fusion Test is one of the late game National Projects of Humankind. It is unlocked by the finishing the Fission Test National Project.
As the name "test" suggests, the project itself involves building a fusion test site physically on the map.
- Unlocks ICBM Test National Project
- Unlocks constructible Thermonuclear Missile on Empire
- +100Fame
Placement prerequisites[]
- Unlike normal Districts, this project will take up 19 tiles instead of occupying just one tile. Up to 2 tiles tiles surrounding the central tile must be free of Districts.
- Cannot be placed on any Resource Deposit.
- Cannot be placed on Ocean or Coastal Water or Lake.
- Only the central tile and at least 2 tiles in the surrounding need to be land (a total of 3 land tiles required). All the other tiles can be water,
- Can be built once per Empire.
- Once a Shared Project is placed, you can no longer move the construction from the chosen tile.
Special Effects[]
The turn the Fusion Test is completed, a nuclear device will be denoted on the spot. The test site will be destroyed, and all the 19 tiles of the site will be turned into wastelands, devoid of any yields.
- Water tiles will be spared.