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If it's ideas you're interested in, the Garamantes are doing marvelous things with irrigation.~ When entering new Era with this culture
Do my eyes deceive me, or are these the green-thumbed Garamantes? I would watch out for their horses.~ When meeting this culture

The Garamantes Culture is an exclusive content of the Cultures of Africa Pack DLC.

The Garamantes are a culture available in the Classical Era, with the Agrarian culture focus.

"An ingenious desert people, the Garamantes can coax life from the driest ground - and have mighty cavalry with which to defend their oases."

Culture orientation[]

Agrarian culture icon Agrarian cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Empire growth and Population abundance, and in some cases, resource efficiency.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population.

Affinity Action: Greener Pastures[]

Can attract 1Population from each adjacent Territory's City or Outpost. It will create a Grievance against you for each impacted Empire.

  • This action will cost a sum of Influence.
  • Once triggered, this action will be available again after fulfilling the Agrarian Affinity meter.

Affinity Bonus: Community[]

Gains 5Stability when gaining Population.

  • This bonus does not modify the city's target stability percentage.
  • This bonus is scaled by game speed

Transcendence Bonus: Growing Cultivation[]

+5%Food on City or Outpost.

Trait: Desert in Bloom[]

Emblematic quarter: Foggara[]

“Underground aqueducts transport subterranean water to the surface - thus bringing life to even the most seemingly infertile ground.”


Emblematic unit: Javelin Riders[]

“These spear-throwing riders harass their foes from afar, falling back after each attack in readiness to strike again.”

Javelin Riders
Ranged-combat Unit. Receives a penalty (-8) when defending against close-combat attacks.
Move One After Attack
Can move one tile for free after attacking.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Garama, Zynkekra, Alele, Cillaba, Cydamus, Matelgae, Debris, Baracum, Augila
