The Harbor is a generic District, which is available in Cities and Outposts after the player reached the Ancient Era and researched the Fishing technology. Can only be placed in Coastal Water tiles.
Basic Effects[]
- +3Money per adjacent Market Quarter
- -10Stability
Special Effects[]
- Functions as a Naval Unit Spawn.
- Allows building new Districts next to it without a connection to a Main Plaza, Hamlet or Administrative Center.
- Allows Units to embark without any Movement penalty.
- Unlike other Districts which only exploit immediate adjacent tiles, Harbors can exploit up to 2 tiles away.
Infrastructure Effects[]
Fishery (Fishing Family Level 1)
- +3Food on Harbor
Fishmonger (Sea Trade Family Level 1)
- +3Money on Harbor
Great Fishmarket (Sea Trade Family Level 2)
- +4Money on Harbor
Seafood Wholesalers (Sea Trade Family Level 3)
- +5Money on Harbor
Technology Effects[]
Wheel - Roads
- Creates road between Harbors and their respective Outpost, Main Plaza or Administrative Center.
Related Infrastructures[]
Following Infrastructures can be constructed once the City has at least 1 Harbor:
Fishing Family[]

Sea Trade Family[]

Emblematic Quarters replacing Harbors[]
