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A stable, successful, ecologically pragmatic culture. There is something to be said for matriarchies.~ When entering new Era with this culture
If you treat them right, you'll only know the Haudenosaunee as peaceable farmers.~ When meeting this culture

The Haudenosaunee are one of the cultures available in the Early Modern Era, with the Agrarian culture focus.

"An alliance of Native American tribes joined in spiritual harmony by their great binding law, the Haudenosaunee are a communal culture who know the land intimately."

Culture orientation[]

Agrarian culture icon Agrarian cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Empire growth and Population abundance, and in some cases, resource efficiency.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population.

Affinity Action: Greener Pastures[]

Can attract 1Population from each adjacent Territory's City or Outpost. It will create a Grievance against you for each impacted Empire.

  • This action will cost a sum of Influence.
  • Once triggered, this action will be available again after fulfilling the Agrarian Affinity meter.

Affinity Bonus: Community[]

Gains 5Stability when gaining Population.

  • This bonus does not modify the city's target stability percentage.
  • This bonus is scaled by game speed

Transcendence Bonus: Growing Cultivation[]

+5%Food on City or Outpost.

Trait: Land of Plenty[]

Emblematic quarter: Three Sisters Plantation[]

“Winter squash, maize, and climbing beans planted in close proximity as “companions” ensure bountiful harvests.”

Three Sisters Plantation

Emblematic unit: Rotiskenrakehte[]

“Masters of understanding and blending into the terrain, the rotiskenrakehte are experts in the art of guerilla warfare.”

Ranged-combat Unit, must have line of sight to attack. Fights at full Combat Strength even when defending against close-combat attacks. With Entrenching Tool, gains "Dug-In" status if they do not move during their Battle round.
Able to enter any foreign Territory and remain Concealed as long as they have any Stealth. In Battle, they are invisible until attacking or adjacent to enemy Units.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Onondaga, Canadasaga, Cahunghage, Canajoharie, Ganondagan, Canienga, Gewauga, Kanaraske, Ganadoga, Gistaquat

  • The first new city found by this culture will use the first name on the city list.


  • "Haudenosaunee" ([hodinɔ̃hʃɔ̃ːni] pronounced as hoh-den-noh-SHOH-nee) means "People of the Longhouse" in the Seneca language. The native people of Five Iroquoian Nations use this word to refer to themselves in English.
  • "Haudenosaunee" was initially called "Iroquois" during the development.
  • The in-game appearance of the Haudenosaunee City Center is based on the Longhouse, the traditional dwelling and place of assembly of the Haudenosaunee.
