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Hawaiians Symbol
Their sparkling oceans are a source of the Hawaiians' powerful traditions, and a rich but delicate resource for the future.~ When entering new Era with this culture
Aloha to the Hawaiians! Wonderful fishermen, though I wouldn’t expect too warm a welcome from their warriors.~ When meeting this culture

The Hawaiians are a culture available in the Industrial Era, with the Agrarian culture focus.

"Deeply connected to both the land and sea, the Hawaiians develop techniques to cultivate the best of their environment."

Culture orientation[]

Agrarian culture icon Agrarian cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Empire growth and Population abundance, and in some cases, resource efficiency.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Agrarian Era Stars for earning new Population.

Affinity Action: Greener Pastures[]

Can attract 1Population from each adjacent Territory's City or Outpost. It will create a Grievance against you for each impacted Empire.

  • This action will cost a sum of Influence.
  • Once triggered, this action will be available again after fulfilling the Agrarian Affinity meter.

Affinity Bonus: Community[]

Gains 5Stability when gaining Population.

  • This bonus does not modify the city's target stability percentage.
  • This bonus is scaled by game speed

Transcendence Bonus: Growing Cultivation[]

+5%Food on City or Outpost.

Trait: Cape of Feathers[]

Emblematic quarter: Loko Kuapā[]

“Nutritious seaweed and fish can feed many, when raised in the Loko Kuapā’s grand basins.”

Loko Kuapā

Emblematic unit: Koa Warriors[]

“Elite professional soldiers, the Koa Warriors are disciplined infantry and pitiless opponents.”

Koa Warriors
Ranged-combat Unit, must have line of sight to attack. Fights at full Combat Strength even when defending against close-combat attacks. With Entrenching Tool, gains "Dug-In" status if they do not move during their Battle round.
Bonus Combat Strength (+8) against damaged targets.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Waikīkī, Honolulu, Hilo, Kailua, Kokoiki, Pōpōiwi, Kahalu'u, Haleki'i, Kualoa
