Leverage is one of the central resources of Humankind's diplomacy system, introduced in the Together We Rule Expansion Pack.
This article is Work In Progress. |
This resource is unique for each diplomatic relations, so Leverage can only be collected against a specific foreign Empire and it's counted separately. You can find your current collected Leverage against a specific Empire on their diplomacy screen embassy tab. This resource mainly used to force other empires through Leverage Actions to do something that they might not want. Other use for this resource is to determine the strength of your vote (sway) in the Congress of Humankind.
- Leverage Intel (+5 / intel)
- Trespassing in Demilitarized Zones (+1 / Unit / )
- Renounce Grievances (+5 / grievance)
Leverage Actions[]
You must have an Embassy to unlock the following actions. Not available during war.
Elevate Crisis to the Congress of Humankind[]
Submit the current International Crisis between your two Empires to the Congress of Humankind, where other Empires will decide which of your Demands to endorse.
- Unlocked in the Ancient Era and costs 8Leverage
- -5War Support for the opposing Empire
Expel Military Forces[]
- Unlocked in the Classical Era and costs 16Leverage
- 1 Army from the opposing Empire is forced to leave your Empire's Territory
Diplomatic Ultimatum[]
- Unlocked in the Medieval Era and costs 8Leverage
Expose Undercover Assets[]
Apply Economic Sanctions[]
- Unlocked in the Contemporary Era and costs 8Leverage