
The Makers Quarter is a generic District, which is available in Cities after the player reached the Ancient Era.


Basic Effects[]

Infrastructure Effects[]

Forge (Coal Energy Family level 1)

Charcoal Kiln (Coal Energy Family level 2)

High Furnace (Coal Energy Family level 3)

Coal Plant (Coal Energy Family level 4)

Infrastructure Pollution Effects[]

Many Contemporary Era infrastructures may impact the amount of Pollution that Makers Quarters will generate.

Automated Factory (Workplace level 4)

Financial District (Banking level 2)

Tech Park (Knowledge Diffusion Family level 4)

Supercomputer Lab (Research Centers Family level 3)

Command Compound (Camps Family level 3)

Anti-Air Surveillance (Anti-Air Family level 1)

SAM (Anti-Air Family level 2)

Hydroelectric Dam (River Exploitation Family level 2)

Solar Farm (Solar Energy Family level 1)

Wind Farm (Wind Energy Family level 1)

Nuclear Plant (Nuclear Energy Family level 1)

Technology Effects[]

Electricity - Coal Generators

Steam Engine - Rail-Assisted Construction

Power Lines - Aluminium Smelting

Computing - Volunteer Computing

Nuclear Fission - Uranium Radioisotopes

World-Wide Web - Internet Reselling

World-Wide Web - Content Creation

Related Infrastructures[]

Following Infrastructures can be constructed once the City has at least 1Makers Quarter:

ForgeForgelevel 1
Coal PlantCoal Plantlevel 4

Emblematic Quarters acting as Makers Quarters[]

