Medieval Era is one of the Eras in Humankind. When entering this era, the player can choose between ten cultures. After the culture is chosen, the era transition will accrue in between this and the next turn. To progress to the next era the player has to collect 7 of the 21 era stars. The previous era is the Classical Era. The next era is the Early Modern Era.
In-game motto: "Marked by stunning architectural achievements, chivalry, large-scale migrations, the growth of state religions, feudalism, and an acceleration in military technology."
Wisdom and technical innovation from earlier eras bring humankind new knowledge. And we immediately use it to find new ways to kill each other off. Greater empires build more powerful armies, but brute strength may be defeated by superior innovations. It is brains versus brawn, with ever-richer cities as tempting spoils for the victor.
Medieval Era cultures[]
Medieval Era technologies[]
Medieval Era wonders[]
