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Militarist cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on waging and inciting wars. These cultures earn extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units. |
Affinity Action: Iron Reserves[]
Can periodically call upon able bodied patriots to take up arms in defense of the mother land.
- Instantly raise Militia Armies in your Cities, these militia behave like regular armies, cost no maintenance and upgrade automatically when a better version is unlocked in the tech tree.
- The Militias only cost Population to raise, limited to your maximum army size. In the Industrial Era and Contemporary Era militia costs 2Population each.
- Militia Units can be upgraded into professional Units in the Anti-Cavalry branch starting from Spearmen up to Rifles.
- The ability can be used once per turn and may be used to rapidly resettle population if needed.
Affinity Bonus: Vigilance[]
+30War Support equilibrium value on Relations.
- That is, Militarist Empires can declare Formal War without Grievances or Demands, and forcing a Militarist culture to surrender in a war is significantly harder than most of other cultures.
Transcendence Bonus: Bond Among Warriors[]
-5% Army upkeep on Army and Squadron.
Era Stars threshold formula[]
The same formula applies to the Militarist Era Stars of every Era in the Normal Game Speed.
- 1st or Bronze Aesthete Star
- Kill/destroy an additional
((Number of Era * 2) + 4) * Game Speed
- Kill/destroy an additional
- 2nd or Silver Aesthete Star
- Kill/destroy an additional
((Number of Era * 2) + 4) * Game Speed
- Kill/destroy an additional
- 3rd or Gold Aesthete Star
- Kill/destroy an additional
((Number of Era * 2) + 4) * Game Speed
- Kill/destroy an additional
Number of Era = [1] Ancient ... [6] Contemporary
Game Speed = 0.25 blitz, 0.5 fast, 1 normal, 1.5 slow, 2 endless
- 6 Units per star in Ancient
- 8 Units per star in Classical
- 10 Units per star in Medieval
- 12 Units per star in Early Modern
- 14 Units per star in Industrial
- 16 Units per star in Contemporary
The next era Bronze star can be unlocked with progress past the current era Gold star threshold (unknown formula).
Militarist Stars Tips[]
Animals and Units killed in Neolithic Era don't count.
Technology is key in building strong units.
Secure Strategic Resources to build strong units.
Use Arms Deal Agreement to gain access to other Emblematic units.
Increase Combat Strength:
- Aristocracy Civic for Political Entitlement (+1Combat Strength for Emblematic Units).
- Professional Soldiers Civic for Army Composition (+1Combat Strength).
- High Homeland on Geopolitics Axis (+1Combat Strength per level).
List of Militarist cultures[]
Ancient Era[]
Classical Era[]
Medieval Era[]
Early Modern Era[]
Industrial Era[]
Contemporary Era[]
- None
- The Militarist orientation used to be called the "Warmonger" orientation. The change was made to be "more thematically in-line with the others". (Source)
- The developers of Amplitude Studios stated that they chose to not design a Militarist for the Contemporary Era because "(the Era) feels very much like 'today'… Militarist affinity feel out of place." (Source 1, Source 2)