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For the Nazca, the earth itself was a canvas for their art. An idea of epic proportions.~ When entering new Era with this culture
A captivating culture, the Nazca. There may be much to learn from your neighbors—unless you lose your head.~ When meeting this culture

The Nazca are a culture available in the Classical Era, with the Aesthete culture focus.

"Skilled artisans, the Nazcans fire ceramics and weave baskets with unparalleled craft, yet their military ferocity should not be forgotten."

Culture orientation[]

Aesthete culture icon Aesthete cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Influence and diplomacy.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence.

Affinity Action: Cultural Blitz[]

Can spend Money promoting patriotic works of art in specific Territories, pushing back foreign spheres of influence and generating Influence.

  • Immediately bring one of your Empire's Territories back into its sphere of influence, and gain Influence for each adjacent Territory already in your sphere.
  • If you do not have the strongest Influence in the Territory, there is a high chance it will start converting back after you use this action.

Affinity Bonus: Grace[]

Cultural Proximity is always maxed out due to Aesthete affinity.

Transcendence Bonus: Artist's Might[]

+5%Influence on District.

Trait: Written in the Land[]

Emblematic quarter: Nazca Lines[]

“Drawn in the soil, Nazca Lines speak to the power of lasting symbols.”

Nazca Lines

Emblematic unit: Headhunters[]

“Beheading fallen enemies, Headhunters claim their foe's vitality for their own, while renewing the land's fertility.”

Close-combat Unit.
Shared Ardor
When this Unit destroys an enemy in battle, it inspires all its allies and provides them with an Ardor bonus (+2).

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Cahuachi, Cantayoq, Orcona, Upanca, Taruga, Pajonal, Poroma, Cabildo, Pataraya, Tunga
