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Nomadic Tribe is one of the cultures in Humankind. Every Empire starts as this culture in the Neolithic Era.


Unlocked through 3 Narrative Events triggered by achieving their respective Era Stars, each one giving you a choice between 2 Legacy Traits. You can proceed to the next Era after obtaining either one, or complete the other Stars to potentially unlock all 3.

Growth Star[]

Goal: Have 5 Population and/or Units within your Empire.

A Thriving Legacy[]

"Looking out at the tribe, your heart swells with pride. They do not feel so distant, those harsh days when your numbers were so few that danger lurked in every shadow. Now there is warmth, comfort, and many mouths to feed. As the tribe has grown, you have needed to master how to harvest the fruits of land and sea. Yet you have also seen how valuable materials can be coaxed from the earth, rewarding patience and skill with prized rarities. Will today's flourishing tribe choose to be farmers, or traders?"

A Thriving Legacy: Farmers[]

"We will study the land and all its riches, and we will never lack for sustenance."

Adds Plant Lore Legacy Trait.

A Thriving Legacy: Storytellers[]

"Even a simple hunt will give rise to myths that captivate listeners far and wide."

Adds Bright Ornaments Legacy Trait.

Knowledge Star[]

Goal: Discover Curiosities to accrue 10Science.

A Learned Legacy[]

"You stand at a crossroads. For many moons the tribe has trekked the wilderness, slowly, tortuously, learning nature's secrets. They have discovered how the materials hidden in the deep places - and in plain sight - might be fashioned to the tribe's advantage, and how the shift of skies and seasons bring powerful cycles of change. Now you must decide in what domain the tribe will truly sharpen its knowledge for the ages to come. Will you be renowned as makers or observers?"

A Learned Legacy: Makers[]

"Only a limit of imagination will limit what me might one day fashion with our hands"

Adds Wattle and Daub Legacy Trait.

A Learned Legacy: Observers[]

"By watching the world around us, we will surely come to understand its workings."

Adds Astronomy legacy Trait.

Hunter Star[]

Goal: Hunt a total of 5 animal Units.

A Bold Legacy[]

"There is no greater day if celebration in the tribe than a triumphant return from the hunt. Presented by the proud hunters, their spoils hold the promise of full bellies for all. But a successful hunt offers even more than sustenance. With each catch, the hunters' prowess grows, while the tale of their mighty deeds gains new power every time it is recounted. The tribe has become formidable hunters; will the future know you as great hunters, or superior storytellers?"

A Bold Legacy: Warriors[]

"We have learned to be fierce, and fighting will be the source of our glory."

Adds Stone Weapons Legacy Trait.

A Bold Legacy: Traders[]

"For those who know where to look, the world's precious things can fetch handsome prices."

Adds Folklore Legacy Trait.

Emblematic unit: Tribe[]

Special Unit that gathers Food through fighting and ransacking in order to multiply. Unable to climb Fortifications. Cannot be added to a regular Army.
