

Scientist culture icon Scientist cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Science and research.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Scientist Era Stars for discovering Technologies.

Affinity Action: Collective Minds[]

Can set a City into "Collective Minds" mode.

  • All the Industry and Money output of the City are converted into Science.
  • The City will only produce Food and Science when this mode is activated.
  • The action can be applied only one City at a time, with a 10turn cooldown.
  • The mode lasts for at least 5turns until it can be deactivated.

Affinity Bonus: Foresight[]

+1 Era available to research.

Transcendence Bonus: Boundless Curiosity[]

+5%Science on City or Outpost.

Era Stars thresholds[]

Normal Science Star thresholds are:

  • Ancient Era
  • Classical Era and later
    • research about 80% of available techs to unlock the bronze, silver and gold star
Available Era


1stEra Star 2ndEra Star 3rdEra Star AllEra Stars
3 1 1 1 3
10 3 2 3 8
11 3 3 3 9
12 4 3 3 10
14 4 4 3 11
17 5 4 5 14
33 11 8 8 27

If playing as a Scientist Culture, then the Era Star thresholds will be:

  • Ancient Era
  • Classical Era and later
    • research about 63% of available techs to unlock the bronze, silver and gold star (a different threshold since these cultures have access to 2 eras worth of tech)
Available Era


1stEra Star 2ndEra Star 3rdEra Star AllEra Stars
22 5 4 5 14
24 6 4 5 15

Scientist Stars Tips[]

Build Research Quarters near Strategic resource extractors (+3Science).

Sign a Scientific Correspondence with a technologically ahead Empire.

May gain some Science through Science Osmosis, or even purchase a Technology with enough Money.

List of Scientist cultures[]

Ancient Era[]

BabyloniansBabyloniansScientist Scientist

Classical Era[]

GreeksGreeksScientist Scientist

Medieval Era[]

UmayyadsUmayyadsScientist Scientist

Early Modern Era[]

JoseonJoseonScientist Scientist

Industrial Era[]

FrenchFrenchScientist Scientist

Contemporary Era[]

JapaneseJapaneseScientist Scientist
SwedesSwedesScientist Scientist
