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Between brains and brawn, the Swahili went with… luxury. Not an unreasonable decision.~ When entering new Era with this culture
The Swahili are famously lavish traders and hosts. They could make for very good neighbors, or very dangerous enemies.~ When meeting this culture

The Swahili Culture is an exclusive content of the Cultures of Africa Pack DLC.

The Swahili are a culture available in the Medieval Era, with the Merchant culture focus.

"The Swahili people have a great affinity for coast and sea, and so excel at trade and transport."

Culture orientation[]

Merchant culture icon Merchant Cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Money and trade.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Merchant Era Stars for earning Money.

Affinity Action: Power Investor[]

Can use Influence to marshal venture capital towards a Resource Deposit, either creating an Extractor or generating Money.

  • If no Extractor exists, then one will be created instantly on the deposit.
  • Otherwise, you will share a sum of Money with the owner. You'll both earn more Money the more Empires are buying the resource; and if the owner is an Independent People, their cut will count as a Bribe, improving relations.

Affinity Bonus: Mediation[]

Any resource you buy via trade can be re-purchased by other Empires, only if these Empires are not already buying the resource from the same third-party you are buying it to.

Transcendence Bonus: All that Glitters[]

+5%Money on City or Outpost.

Trait: Coastal Haven[]

Emblematic quarter: Bandari[]

“A bustling trade port, specializing in the finest - and most lucrative - of goods.”


Emblematic unit: Mtepe[]

“An uncommonly fexible craft, its planks fastened by pegs and fiber, thus making it extremely nimble in the water.”

Naval Transport
Naval Unit that replaces Land Units which embark to travel across Ocean tiles. Movement Points are reduced to 2 when in Battle.
Nimble Craft
Allows embarking and disembarking instantly, but is damaged (-35 Health per ) by spending consecutive turns on Ocean tiles.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Kilwa, Lamu, Pate, Malindi, Zanzibar, Sofala, Pemba, Monbasa, Kua, Songo Mnara
