
Terrain determines what yields a tile will naturally have. This is represented by tile types.


Tiles have other basic elements like elevation, which impact Unit Movement, Line of Sight, and Combat Strength.

Some tiles have special features which provide additional yields to them, like Oases, Caves, Rivers and so on. Some also have either Luxury or Strategic Resources.

Terrain Type
Tile Name Yields
Coastal Water 1
Dry Grass 1
Lake 2
Prairie 2
Stone Field 1
Woodland 1
Forest 2
Rocky Field 2
Mountain 3
Rocky Forest 3
Wasteland none
Ocean none
Sterile none

Natural Modifiers[]

Land/Sea Modifier Name Yields and Effects Terrain Type
Land Berry Bushes +1 Prairie, Dry Grass
Black Soil +2, +2 Prairie, Dry Grass
Cave +2 Rocky Forest, Forest, Woodland
Clay +1 Rocky Field, Stone Field, Sterile
Crater +1, +2 Rocky Field, Stone Field, Sterile
Dimension Stones +3 Rocky Field, Stone Field, Sterile, Rocky Forest
Domesticable Animals +2 Rocky Forest, Forest, Woodland
Geysers +2, +2 Rocky Field, Stone Field, Sterile, Woodland, Dry Grass
Hot Springs +1, +3 Stone Field, Sterile, Woodland, Dry Grass
Huge Trees +2 Rocky Forest, Forest, Woodland
Hydrothermal Vents +3 Coastal Water, Lake
Marsh +1, +1 Prairie, Woodland, Dry Grass
Oasis +3 Stone Field, Sterile, Dry Grass
River +1 All land tiles
River Spring +1 All land tiles
Terra Rosa +1, +2 Prairie, Dry Grass
Volcano Earth +1, +2 Prairie, Dry Grass
Land & Sea Waterfall +2, +1 Both land and sea tiles

Must next to a cliff and on a river/where the river ends

Sea Algae +2Cost

-1 for naval units on the tile

Ocean, Coastal Water
Coral Reef +1, +3 Coastal Water
Fog Ocean, Coastal Water
Icebergs Impassable Ocean, Coastal Water
Reefs +4Cost

-2 for naval units on the tile

Coastal Water
Sea Ice Impassable Coastal Water
Turbulent Waters +2Cost

-4 for naval units on the tile



Tiles also have an elevation value: when the difference in elevation between two adjacent tiles is 2 or higher a Cliff is created to separate them. Differences in elevation, much like Terrain Types, can block the Line of Sight or Movement of Armies and Units. Units with the Cliffs Crosser ability can cross Cliffs but not Mountain tiles.


Rivers consume all of a Unit’s remaining Movement Points to enter, and Units in Battles get a Combat Strength penalty while standing on a River Tile. This debuff is applied to either the Unit is attacking or defending. Moving up or down the same River only costs 1Movement Point, regardless of the Terrain Type of the Tiles that are crossed. If a Road or District is built on top of a River Tile then the Unit no longer needs to spend its remaining Movement Points to enter it.


Main article: Landmark