
Territory is a fixed, non-changeable division of the World map into a small region. Territories are randomly generated at the start of each game.

Types and Tiles[]

A territory consists of multiple Tiles, but those tiles can only be from one type of biome. This rule has one exception when the territory containing water tiles. A territory can contain land and water tiles or can contain only one of them. If the territory only containing water tiles the territory become un-settleable and no one can own it.

Ownership and Control[]

To be able to do any action with in the Territory an Empire has to claim it by building a City or an Outpost in it. But keep in mind only Outposts can be relocated.

Each Territory can be controlled by no more than a single City or Outpost. It is possible to combine multiple Territories to reduce the number of Cities required to control them. (Read more about city expansion in the main article: City)

Base Game[]

  • Unclaimed territories have white dashed border
    • Anyone can enter its tiles
  • Claimed territories (with a Outpost) have a dashed coloured border where the colour represents the Empire which owns it.
    • Anyone can enter its tiles

Together We Rule[]

  • Unclaimed territories (with DMZ) have white and red dashed border
    • The Empire establishing the demilitarization will be considered its temporary owner.
    • Anyone can enter its tiles, but military Units present in this territory are trespassing and generate +1Leverage per Unit for the owner.
  1. Agents are only available with the Together We Rule Expansion Pack.