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The Teutons did indeed have great cities with great cathedrals. But don't forget their great armies, with great ambitions.~ When entering new Era with this culture
Beware the Teuton believers — they have both strong beliefs and heavy cavalry. Not an empire to be taken lightly.~ When meeting this culture

The Teutons are one of the cultures available in the Medieval Era, with the Expansionist culture focus.

"United under their faith, the Teutons believe they can be a flaming torch that spreads light into the dark corners of the world."

Culture orientation[]

Expansionist culture icon Expansionist cultures favor a gameplay orientation focused on Empire expansion, not necessarily through war.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Expansionist Era Stars for claiming Territories.

Affinity Action: Under One Banner[]

Can forcibly annex Territories occupied by other Empire's Outposts and Administrative Centers.

  • For annexing, you need to move an Army to stand on another Empire's Outpost or Administrative Center.
  • The process will take the Army a few turns, cost a sum of Money, and can be interrupted when someone attacking the annexing Army.
  • You cannot trigger multiple annexations at the same time, and will need to wait a few turns after each successful annexation before using this Affinity Action again.
  • Territories held by your Allies cannot be annexed.

Affinity Bonus: Ambition[]

Can always trespass due to Expansionist affinity.

  • That is, can actively trespass despite the Border Policy Treaty being at Closed Borders.
  • The trespassing Army will not suffer trespassing Health penalty anymore.
  • The "Trespassing" Grievance still applies to the trespassing Army.

Transcendence Bonus: Oath of Allegiance[]

+10Stability on City or Outpost.

Trait: Spurred by Faith[]

  • +1Money per State Religion Follower
  • +1Science per State Religion Follower

Emblematic quarter: Kaiserdom[]

“A palace for the emperor and a place of worship, this testifies to the close links between church and military power.”


Emblematic unit: Teutonic Knights[]

“Clad in chainmail and armed with the traditional lance and sword, the Teutonic knights ride to battle on powerful Friesian horses.”

Teutonic Knights
Heavy Cavalry
Fast, hard-hitting mounted Unit able to charge enemies. Receives bonus Combat Strength (+3) if attacking non-adjacent enemies. Unable to climb Fortifications.
Bonus Combat Strength (+3) against enemies with different State Religion.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Achen, Magadoburg, Mentze, Cölln, Wurms, Spire, Francofurt, Regenspurg, Strazburg, Lübecke

  • The first new city found by this culture will use the first name on the city list.

