Unit Tree

Unit upgrade tree and replacements

Unit (using as in-game symbol) are moveable entities on the map that can perform certain functions. These units can combine to create armies. Most units are primarily military units that are used to win battles against other units and to defend and capture settlements. Emblematic units can only be built by a single culture.


Units are created in Cities, either by producing them in the main production queue, or by purchasing them with Money. The City Center acts as a Land Unit Spawn Point, and with Districts, this can be moved to a different location. The Garrison and its replacement Emblematic Districts can also act as a Land Unit Spawn Point. The player can choose these Districts as the main Spawn Point of their Land Units. For Naval Units, the City needs a Harbor or a Harbor replacement Emblematic District to build them. Air Unit production is separated into two sections. Air-based combat Units require an Aerodrome, while missile-based ones need a Missile Silo to be constructed in a City to create them.

Veterancy level[]

There are three levels of veterancy, and each level adds a Combat Strength bonus to the Unit. The veterancy level of a Unit is increased by defeating other Units and earning experience (also known as XP in the game and among players). When upgrading a Unit, the veterancy level is retained. Note that veteran Units can be renamed in the Unit panel. Each level of veterancy gives the Unit +1Combat Strength.

XP Cost of a Veterancy Level=2*Combat Strength of unit*(Level to Gain(1, 2, or 3 ))0.5

Unit Movement[]

Main article: Movement


In Humankind, Units grouped as armies while travelling on the map. To combine Units or armies, they only have to go to the same hex tile on the map. On Unit creation, if an army or Unit stands on the Spawn Point tile, the newly trained Unit will join the army. Each army has a Unit capacity, which can be increased by technologies or culture-specific traits. In battles, armies separate back to the Unit level to fight. Armies not in combat can transfer Units across themselves or create multiple smaller ones.

Army Upkeep[]

The formula for army upkeep is as such:

Army Upkeep = (Base Upkeep)

Base Upkeep = The sum of all the upkeep of units in this Army

If Romans Legacy Trait applies, the Army Upkeep will be reduced by 30%.

Army Actions[]

  • Move: The max distance is determined by the lowest Movement Speed Unit in the army.
  • Attack
  • Claim Territory
  • Ransack
  • Clear Forest
  • Sleep Until Healed
  • Skip One Turn
  • Sleep
  • Auto-Explore
    • When auto-explore, Army will usually head towards nearest curiosities.

Unit Actions[]

Select one or several units in the Army pane to access Unit Actions

  • Heal: costs gold
  • Upgrade
  • Transfer
  • Disband Unit: Disbanding a Unit within the limits of one of your Cities or Outposts will grant 1 Population to it.

Stealth Actions[]

Syphon a District (Unique to Stealth Agents)
Syphon a District allows you to collect some of its yields.
  • This action will require your Army to stay in the same position for multiple turns and remain Concealed.
  • Once the action is successful, it lasts as long as you Army maintain any Stealth value.

Unique Actions[]

In addition to generic Army actions, several Unit classes are capable of using Unique Actions specific to the class.

Air Patrol (Unique to Fighters and Multi Role Aircraft)
Toggle patrol mode for the Air Unit. While patrolling the Air Unit provides vision over their Territory and adjacent Territories, and will also intercept enemy Air Units that attempt to perform air strikes in these Territories.
  • When in Air Patrol, the Air Unit cannot perform any Air Strikes.
Air Strike (Unique to Bombers, Fighters, and Multi Role Aircraft)
Select an opposing Army or District to target with an aerial bombardment. Enemy Air Units, Infrastructures and Armies may deal damage to your Air Unit. Both Fighters and Bombers can do air strike; Fighters can be included in a strike to escort Bombers.
  • Using this action, the Unit can bombard Districts and Units on the world map with reduced damage, or bombard Districts and Units in the Tactical Map with full damage from outside.
  • The air strike will cause area damage to Districts and Units around the targeting tile.
  • The air strike can cause friendly fire and damage your own Units.
Air Travel (Unique to the Airport district)
By building at least two Airports, it unlocks a new Unit action the Air Travel. This action allows Armies to travel between two Airports for the cost of 1Movement Point.
  • This action only appears on the Army that standing on top of an Airport.
  • The Army can move after the action is used if they have left of Movement Points.
  • The Airports doesn't have to be in neighbouring Territories.
  • This action has unlimited range and can be used multiple times in a turn.
Artillery Strike (Unique to Siege Artillery and Guardians)
Choose an enemy Army or District within range to bombard with artillery fire, damaging and perhaps destroy it. This will consume the Unit's Movement Points.
  • Using this action, the Unit can bombard Districts and Units on the world map with reduced damage, or bombard Districts and Units in the Tactical Map with full damage from outside.
  • The artillery hit will cause area damage to Districts and Units around the targeting tile.
  • The artillery hit can cause friendly fire and damage your own Units.
Found City (Unique to Settler and Construction Team)
The Unit can create a new City from scratch in an unclaimed Territory, by standing in the Territory.
Missile Strike (Unique to Missiles)
Nuclear Strike (Unique to Nuclear Missiles)
Select a target for a Nuclear Strike. The Missiles will launch at the beginning of next turn. Silos can target only one objective each turn.

List of Generic Units[]

Land Units[]

Land Units
Era Name Class & Specialty Strength Movement Range
Neolithic Era Tribe Nomad 10 4 1
Ancient Era Archer Ranged, Indirect Fire 17 4 3
Chariot Heavy Cavalry 22 6 1
Envoy Diplomatic Agents, Cultural Ambassador, Unrestricted 18 8 1
Scout Riders Cavalry 16 6 1
Scouts Melee, Pathfinder 13 4 1
Spearmen Anti-Cavalry 18 4 1
Warriors Melee 19 4 1
Classical Era Horsemen Cavalry 26 6 1
Swordsmen Melee 26 4 1
Medieval Era Crossbowmen Ranged 31 4 3
Great Swordsmen Melee 35 4 1
Knights Heavy Cavalry 36 6 1
Pikemen Anti-Cavalry 31 4 1
Prowlers Melee, Stealth 28 4 1
Early Modern Era Arquebusiers Gunner, Move or Attack 39 4 4
Halberdiers Anti-Cavalry 41 4 1
Mortar Heavy Weapon, Indirect Shatter 40 4 8
Musketeers Gunner, Move or Attack 46 4 4
Settler Melee, Advanced Colony 32 4 1
Spymaster Stealth Agents, Disinformation, Infiltration, Sabotage 36 4 1
Industrial Era Dragoons Gunner, Move and Fire 45 6 4
Heavy Machine Gun Heavy Weapon, Suppression 50 4 8
Howitzer Heavy Weapon, Shatter 50 4 8
Line Infantry Gunner 47 4 4
Partisans Gunner, Stealth 45 4 4
Siege Artillery Heavy Weapon, Bombard 51 4 8
Contemporary Era Anti-Aircraft Gun Armoured Vehicle, Anti-Aircraft 55 8 6
Anti-Tank Gun Heavy Weapon, Armor-Piercing 53 4 8
Armored Personnel Carrier Armoured Vehicle, Suppression 62 8 6
Commandos Gunner, Stealth 54 4 4
Construction Team Melee, Modern City 48 4 1
Helicopter Gunship Gunship, Shatter 58 10 3
Main Battle Tank Armoured Vehicle, Armor-Piercing 69 8 6
Medium Tank Armoured Vehicle 61 8 6
Rifles Gunner 52 4 4

Naval Units[]

Naval Units
Era Name Class & Specialty Strength Movement Range
Ancient Era Pentekonter Boarding Vessel, Coastal ship 27 5 1
Classical Era Quadrireme Boarding Vessel, Navigator 36 5 1
Transport Galley Naval Transport, Coastal ship 14 2 1
Medieval Era Cog Boarding Vessel, Skilled Navigator 43 5 1
Early Modern Era Caravel Naval Transport, High Sea 35 5 1
Carrack Escort Ship 52 7 4
Man O' War Capital Ship, Shatter, Ship of the Line 55 5 4
Privateers Boarding Vessel, Privateer 40 4 1
Industrial Era Ironclad Capital Ship, Indirect Shatter, Ship of the Line 60 5 5
Steam Frigate Escort Ship, Screening Ship 57 7 4
Torpedo Boat Torpedo Vessel, Torpedo Attack 55 7 2
Contemporary Era Aircraft Carrier Aircraft Carrier 69 4 3
Battleship Armoured Vessel, Bombard 69 4 6
Destroyer Escort Ship, Screening Ship, Anti-Aircraft 66 6 4
Diesel Submarine Torpedo Vessel, Stealth, Torpedo Attack 64 6 2
Landing Craft Naval Transport, Quick Embark 50 5 1
Missile Cruiser Armoured Vessel, Anti-Aircraft 77 6 8
Nuclear Submarine Torpedo Vessel, Stealth, Torpedo Attack 72 8 2

Air Units[]

Air Units
Era Name Class & Specialty Strength Movement Range
Industrial Era Biplane Fighter 51 0 14
Contemporary Era Cruise Missile Missile 69 0 28
Monoplane Fighter Fighter 67 0 16
Multirole Fighter Multi Role Aircraft 74 0 20
Nuclear Missile Missile, Nuclear Device 87 0 28
Strategic Bomber Bomber 69 0 16
Thermonuclear Missile Missile, Nuclear Device 107 0 28

Non-trainable/Special Units[]

Non-trainable/Special Units
Era Name Class & Specialty Strength Movement Range
Neolithic Era Bear Animal 11 3 1
Deer Animal 8 3 1
Mammoth Animal 13 3 1
Ancient Era Battering Ram Siege Weapon, Battering ram 14 2 1
Levies Melee, Home guard 13 4 1
Classical Era Ballista Siege Weapon 21 2 4
Citizens Melee, Home guard 20 4 1
Medieval Era Peasants Melee, Home guard 27 4 1
Trebuchet Siege Weapon, Immobile 26 2 6
Early Modern Era Draftees Melee, Home guard 34 4 1
Industrial Era Conscripts Gunner, Home guard 43 4 4
Contemporary Era Irregulars Gunner, Home Guard 50 4 4

List of Emblematic Units[]

Unit Culture Details Strength Movement Range
Ancient Era
Aga-Ush Sumerians Anti-Cavalry, Unified Force 20 4 1
Assyrian Raiders Assyrians Cavalry, Pillager 21 6 1
Bagèndí Pioneers Bantu Nomad, Pioneer 13 4 1
Bireme Phoenicians Naval Transport, Navigator 13 2 1
Boomerang Throwers Pama-Nyungan Ranged, Pathfinder, Expedition 18 4 2
Gigir Hittites Heavy Cavalry, Suppression 23 6 1
Healers Caralans Melee, Plant Lore 16 4 1
Javelin Throwers Olmecs Ranged, Ambusher 20 4 2
Markabata Egyptians Ranged, Move and Fire 22 6 3
Promachoi Mycenaeans Melee, Champion 21 4 1
Runner Harappans Melee, Pathfinder 14 5 1
Ṣäbu Ša Qašti Babylonians Anti-Cavalry, Guardian 22 4 1
Ta-Seti Archers Nubians Ranged, Exceptional Accuracy 19 4 3
Zhànche Zhou Heavy Cavalry, Mandate of Heaven 23 6 1
Classical Era
Faulua Polynesians Boarding Vessel, Navigator 28 6 1
Gaesati Celts Melee, Fervor 26 6 1
Gothic Cavalry Goths Heavy Cavalry, Ransacker 29 6 1
Headhunters Nazca Melee, Shared Ardor 26 4 1
Hoplites Greeks Anti-Cavalry, Phalanx 27 4 1
Hunnic Horde Huns Nomad, Multi-Move 20 6 1
Immortals Achaemenid Persians Anti-Cavalry, Bastion 28 4 1
Javelin Riders Garamantes Ranged, Move One After Attack 27 6 3
Lián nŭ bīng Han Ranged, Repeating Crossbow Volley 27 4 3
Noble Javelineers Maya Ranged, Poison 26 4 2
Praetorian Guards Romans Melee, Tactical Superiority 29 4 1
Saṃnāhya Mauryans Ranged, Elephant Platform 30 6 3
Shotelai Aksumites Melee, Grappler 27 4 1
War Elephant Carthaginians Heavy Cavalry, Trample 30 6 1
Medieval Era
Bagaturi Bulgarians Ranged, Ransacker Boost 36 6 3
Baira Hunters Taíno Ranged, Canoe Fighters, Indirect Fire 31 4 3
Cahokia Raiders Mississippians Melee, Raider's Ardor 36 4 1
Dhanvī-gaja Khmer Ranged, Elephant Platform 38 6 3
Franci Milites Franks Heavy Cavalry, Heavy Charge 39 6 1
Haras Umayyads Cavalry, Enforcers 36 6 1
Jaguar Warriors Aztecs Melee, Fervor 35 4 1
Langskip Norsemen Naval Transport, High Sea 26 5 1
Longbowmen English Ranged, Indirect Fire 32 4 4
Maori Tangata Rapa Nui Melee, Sapper 34 4 1
Meharists Ghanaians Cavalry, Anti-Cavalry 35 6 1
Mongol Horde Mongols Nomad, Multi-Move 33 6 1
Mtepe Swahili Naval Transport, Nimble Craft 23 6 1
Teutonic Knights Teutons Heavy Cavalry, Proselyte 38 7 1
Varangian Guards Byzantines Melee, Honor Code 40 4 1
Early Modern Era
Buccaneers Caribbean Pirates Gunner, Spotter 43 4 4
Conquistadores Spanish Gunner, El Dorado 43 5 4
Fluyt Dutch Naval Transport, Conveyor 39 10 1
Gajnal Mughals Gunner, Move and Fire 44 6 4
Galleass Venetians Escort Ship, Inner Sea Mastodonte 51 6 4
Geobukseon Joseon Escort Ship, Ramming 50 6 4
Janissaries Ottomans Gunner, Siege Mastery 44 4 4
Maasai Morans Maasai Ranged, Implacable 43 4 2
Naginata Samurai Edo Japanese Anti-Cavalry, Honor Code 46 5 1
Reisläufer Swiss Anti-Cavalry, Mercenary Corps, Defender 44 4 1
Rocket Cart Ming Heavy Weapon, Suppression 45 4 8
Rotiskenrakehte Haudenosaunee Gunner, Stealth 43 6 4
Sapa Inca Guards Inca Anti-Cavalry, Imperial Bastions 43 4 1
Sloop Caribbean Pirates Escort Ship, Grapeshot 48 6 4
Waka Taua Māori Naval Transport, High Sea, Rower's Defiance 34 6 1
Winged Hussars Poles Heavy Cavalry, Charge Master 46 6 1
Industrial Era
Alpini Italians Gunner, Cliffs Crosser 50 5 4
Cossacks Russians Gunner, Multi-Move 48 6 4
Cuirassiers French Heavy Cavalry, Heavier Charge 54 6 1
Evidenzbureau Agents Austro-Hungarians Gunner, Stealth, All-Terrain 52 4 4
Gatling Elephant Siamese Gunner, Suppression 55 6 4
Gauchos Argentinians Gunner, Boleadoras 48 6 4
Highlanders Scots Gunner, Highland Charge 48 4 4
Impi Zulu Melee, Unstoppable 46 4 1
Jazayerchis Persians Gunner, Piercing 46 4 5
Koa Warriors Hawaiians Gunner, Implacable 48 4 4
Oromo Cavalry Ethiopians Gunner, Experienced 49 6 4
Redcoats British Gunner, Expedition 51 4 4
Soldaderas Mexicans Gunner, Stealth, Guerilla Fighters 49 4 4
Uboat Germans Torpedo Vessel, Stealth, Torpedo Attack 54 6 2
Contemporary Era
All Terrain PMV Australians Armoured Vehicle, All-Terrain 64 8 6
Free Officers Egyptians Gunner, Anti-Colonialism 58 4 4
Guardians Chinese Heavy Weapon, Multi-rocket Bombard 60 4 8
Guerrilleros Cubans Gunner, Stealth, Guerilla Tactics 56 4 4
Jungle Brigades Brazilians Gunner, Stealth, Master Ambusher 57 4 4
Lightning Americans Multi Role Aircraft, Aerial Stealth 77 0 20
Mrap Vehicle Nigerians Armoured Vehicle, Suppression 64 8 6
Peacekeepers Indians Gunner, Peace Protector 57 4 4
Red Army Tank Soviets Armoured Vehicle, Field Repairs 60 8 6
Reisen Japanese Fighter, Light 72 0 18
Reservists Singaporeans Gunner, Home Guard, Up in Arms 51 4 4
Stealth Corvette Swedes Armoured Vessel, Stealth 74 8 6
Stealthy Operative Missile Turks Missile, Aerial Stealth 70 0 30