
Unit Statuses are temporary effects that impact Units. They can be triggered by a choice made during a Narrative Event or be a natural consequence of a gameplay context. Statuses might last for a fixed number of Turns as is the case for Narrative Events, or be variable depending on a game context. Status effects always alter the attributes of the Unit on which they apply.

Base Game[]

Name Effect(s)
Embarked Attributes are replaced by those of the best Naval Transport to be unlocked so far.
Hostile Territory Unit is in hostile Territory.
Occupying Your Army has captured a City.
On Track Traveling by rail, the steady clack of the tracks has a hypnotic effect on many of the Unit as they move towards their final destination.
Patrolling This Unit is currently patrolling the surroundings of its attachment point.
While patrolling, the Unit provides Vision over their Territory and adjacent Territories.
It will also intercept enemy Units that attempt to perform air strikes in these Territories.
Name Effect(s)
Ambition This Army can trespass within other Empires' borders without being at War with them.
Behind Walls Increased Combat Strength (+6) against attacks from outside the walls.
Blessed Stoked by religious conviction, the soldiers of the Unit draw on their deepest reserves of strength to attain near-divine powers. (+1)
Boleadoras The first attack from this Unit will also apply the Suppressed status on its target.
Bolstered Flanked by support, the Unit is able to focus on the attack and unleash greater power.
Defending Increased Combat Strength (+2).
Dug-In Unit gains a Combat Strength (+10) bonus when attacked.
Eagle-Eyed Scouts track the terrain to greater distances from camp, improving the Unit's awareness of its surroundings. (+2Vision Range)
Ferocious Organized ranks allied with a pitiless ferocity means this Unit fights with an effectiveness beyond its raw numbers. (+1)
In City Increased Combat Strength (+4) against ranged attacks.
In Fog Applies a Combat Strength (+2) bonus to Naval Units attacked on this Tile and blocks Line of Sight.
In Forest Only visible to adjacent Units. Increased Combat Strength (+4) against ranged attacks.
In the Line of Battle Increased Combat Strength (+5) from being positioned adjacent to exactly two friendly Units. (Only applies to Units with the Ship of the Line ability)
Inspired Led by a brilliant, inspiring commander, the unit fights with a heightened strength. (+7)
Ransacker Increased Combat Strength (+3).
Resilient Aided by knowledgeable medics, the Unit is able to recover back to peak fighting fitness in record time. (+50% Health Regeneration)
Revered The Empire's achievements are hailed across the world. The Unit enjoys rapid recovery as local peoples--allied or not--provide succour.
Studious After every encounter every soldier still alive reflects deeply on the Battle, hastening their learning. (+50% experience)
Supplied This Army is currently located in an allied Territory, and as such will regenerate its Health (+20 per Turn) and may also benefit from other abilities.
Swift The Unit moves with a spring in its steps, temporarily able to cover greater distances than usual. (+1-2)
Vigilant Keeping watch from a position of advantage, the Unit lends new confidence to surrounding forces.
Well-Equipped With spare parts readily available, the Unit's military vehicles can be repaired in double-quick time should the need arise.
Name Effect(s)
Blocking This Unit is preventing enemy reserves from entering the Battle, but will take damage (-20 Health) at the start of its round if it stays put.
Boarded Moving this Unit will damage it (-25 Health).
Broken The Unit's vehicles are broken beyond hope of simple field repair, but can be fixed in friendly Territory. (-2)
Crossing River Reduced Combat Strength (-3).
Damaged The Unit's vehicles have sustained serious damage, rendering them ineffective until they can be fully repaired in friendly Territory. (-1)
Dissuaded Cannot attack because this Unit is adjacent to an enemy Screening Ship. (Only applies to Torpedo Vessels)
Falling Back This Unit will be destroyed if not within the fallback zone by the end of the Battle. (Applies only to naval Units)
Feeble Afraid or merely weakened by some blight, the Unit goes into Battle a shadow of its usual power. (-1)
In Algae Applies a Combat Strength (-1) malus to Naval Units present on this Tile.
In Reefs Applies a Combat Strength (-2) malus to Naval Units present on this Tile.
In Turbulent Waters Applies a Combat Strength (-4) to Naval Units present on this Tile.
Lethargic Whether it's fatigue or demoralized soldiers, the result is the same: this Unit is slow. (-1)
Lost At Sea Your Army takes damage from rough waters every Turn until it is destroyed.
Coastal ship (-100 Health), Navigator (-20 Health), Skilled Navigator (-15 Health)
Maimed Recovery will be a difficult process for the maimed members of this Unit, and one only possible in friendly Territory. (-2)
On River This Unit is currently navigating a River.
Outlaw Engaged in unlawful actions, this Army may be attacked without generating a Grievance for its Empire.
Poisoned A terrible malady afflicts this Unit, the life strength of its soldiers ebbing away.
Reduced Attack Range (-1) and Movement Points (-2).
Retreating This Unit is retreating: it will be slower (-50%) and unable to retreat again until it has recovered (2Turns).
Rigorous Your Army's Movement Speed is reduced by half on Ocean tiles.
Sick Something foul ails this Unit, the air rank with the stench of puke and worse, while fighting men and women run for the latrine pits at all hours.
Suppressed Cannot move and has reduced Combat Strength (-5).
Trespassing This Army is in an unfriendly Territory and will take damage (-10 Health) each Turn.

Cultures of Latin America Pack[]

Name Effect(s)
Shared Ardor This Unit is acting as a source of Ardor, inspiring its allies in Battle. (+2 per kill)

Together We Rule Expansion Pack[]

Name Effect(s)
Ambushing The element of surprise gives this Unit an advantage. (+8)
Concealed This Army is invisible to other Empires as long as its Units retain any amount of Stealth.
Cultural Bridges Keen observers of local customs, Envoys also excel at showing off the best of home to their hosts. (+10%)
Decoy Army is deployed This Unit is currently deploying a Decoy Army on the field.
Demilitarized Territory Unit is currently in demilitarized Territory, allowing the initiator of the demilitarization to earn +1Leverage per Turn against the Empire that owns the Unit.
Infiltration in progress This Army is currently infiltrating the targeted District.
Official Audience A deferential approach gives Envoys the strongest occasion to make their case for closer ties. (+1Patronage)
Revealed This Unit has lost its Stealth and is now visible to other Empires.
Siphoning the District This Army is currently siphoning the targeted District.
Tracked This Army is being tracked by your Agent.
Undermined This Army is being undermined by a Spy.
Watching the City This Army is currently watching the target City.

Para Bellum Wonders Pack[]

Name Effect(s)
Marked Revealed Stealth Units that do not leave this Empire's Territories will be destroyed by Assassins.

Cultures of Oceania Pack[]

Name Effect(s)
Buoyant The Unit has no fear of swift waters, mastering a range of techniques to keep from sinking below the waves.
Stargazing Experienced sailors use their knowledge of celestial figures to deduce their location at sea. (-50% Damage received from being Lost at Sea)