Advanced Colony |
Create a City with some Industry and 3Population, as well as a set of Infrastructures from the Medieval Era and earlier. |
All-Terrain |
Ignores all terrain Movement penalties. |
All Terrain PMV, Evidenzbureau Agents
Ambusher |
Stronger (+6) on Forest Tiles. |
Javelin Throwers
Anti-Aircraft |
Provides anti-air power equal to the Unit's Combat Strength. |
Anti-Aircraft Gun, Destroyer, Missile Cruiser
Anti-Cavalry |
Bonus Combat Strength (+8) when fighting mounted Units. |
Anti-Colonialism |
Allied Units gain a Combat Strength bonus (+3) when attacking stronger Units. |
Free Officers
Aerial Stealth |
Able to bypass anti-air defenses and perform anonymous strikes as long as they have any Stealth. |
Lightning, Stealthy Operative Missile
Armor-Piercing |
Gain bonus Combat Strength (+8) when targeting Armoured Vehicles and Armoured Vessels. |
Anti-Tank Gun, Main Battle Tank
Bastion |
Stronger (+3) when fighting from high ground and fortified position. |
Battering Ram |
Can only attack walls. |
Battering Ram
Boleadoras |
The first attack in a battle from this Unit will also apply the Suppression status (-5, cannot move next turn) to its target. |
Bombard |
Can bombard Districts and battlefields from out of battle. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. |
Battleship, Siege Artillery
Canoe Fighters |
This Unit receives no penalties from Rivers. |
Baira Hunters
Champion |
Stronger (+4) when attacking during the first round. |
Charge Master |
When charging the target cannot retaliate. |
Winged Hussars
Cliffs Crosser |
Can cross cliffs. |
Coastal Ship |
Destroyed by spending more than 1turn in deep water. |
Pentekonter, Transport Galley
Conveyor |
Increased Movement speed (+4) when starting its turn in an allied Territory. |
Cultural Ambassador |
Visiting Foreign Cities allows for both parties to gain Influence (+10%). Visiting Independent Peoples allows for increased Patronage (+1) |
Defender |
Stronger (+?) when defending. |
Disinformation |
Can manipulate a City and create an Army Decoy after unlocking the Military Coordination Technology. |
El Dorado |
Generates additional Money (double) from winning battles and ransacking. |
Elephant Platform |
Ignores penalties from fighting in melee. |
Dhanvī-gaja, Saṃnāhya
Enforcers |
Drains additional Stability during Sieges. |
Expedition |
Regenerates Health (+20 Health per ) when outside of your Territory. |
Boomerang Throwers, Redcoats
Experienced |
Bonus Combat Strength (+1 per level) from Veterancy levels. |
Oromo Cavalry
Exceptional Accuracy |
Can shoot at a target without having a clear Line of Sight to it (with no penalty to ). |
Ta-Seti Archers
Fervor |
No Combat Strength penalty from damage. |
Gaesati, Jaguar Warriors
Field Repairs |
Regenerates Health (+? Health) after a Battle. |
Red Army Tank
Grapeshot |
Gain bonus Combat Strength (+6) when attacking enemies at close range. |
Grappler |
Has a larger zone of control (2tiles) which cannot be ignored. |
Guardian |
Stronger (+3) when standing on friendly District. |
Ṣäbu Ša Qašti
Guerilla Fighters |
Able to remain hidden in Battle even after attacking, unless adjacent to an enemy Unit. |
Guerilla Tactics |
Apply a Stability penalty (-?) when standing on a hostile City's Territory. |
Heavy Charge |
Receives a higher Combat Strength bonus (+5) when charging. |
Franci Milites
Heavier Charge |
Receives a much higher Combat Strength bonus (+7) when charging. |
High Sea |
Ignores any penalties from deep water. |
Caravel, Langskip, Waka Taua
Highland Charge |
Bonus Combat Strength (+?) when moving next to their target before attacking. Ignores all terrain movement penalties during a charge. |
Home Guard |
Appears automatically to defend your Cities from attack. Gains a "Guardian" Combat Strength bonus (+3 versus melee attacks) when occupying a District tile. |
Citizens, Conscripts, Draftees, Irregulars, Levies, Peasants, Reservists
Honor Code |
Prevents its Army from retreating. |
Naginata Samurai, Varangian Guards
Immobile |
Cannot move once deployed. |
Imperial Bastions |
This Unit is much stronger (+6) when fighting from high ground and fortified positions. |
Sapa Inca Guards
Implacable |
Bonus Combat Strength (+8) against damaged targets. |
Koa Warriors, Maasai Morans
Indirect Fire |
Unit can attack Units without a clear Line of Sight. |
Archer, Baira Hunters, Longbowmen
Indirect Shatter |
Unit can attack Units without a clear Line of Sight. Can attack Fortifications. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. |
Ironclad, Mortar
Infiltration |
Can watch a foreign City, siphon a foreign District and track opposing Armies. |
Inner Sea Mastodonte |
Much higher Combat Strength (+11) when in Coastal Waters. |
Light |
Destroyed if a single attack ever removes more than half of the Unit's Health. |
Mandate of Heaven |
Bonus Combat Strength (+3) when Stability is high. |
Master Ambusher |
Provides increased ambusher bonuses (+?) when on Forest Tiles. |
Jungle Brigades
Mercenary Corps |
When provided to other Empires through the Arms Deal Agreement, this Unit costs 10% less to build, and generates more income for its original Empire, per active Agreement. |
Modern City |
Create a City with some Industry and 6Population, as well as a set of Infrastructures from the Industrial Era and earlier. |
Construction Team
Move and Fire |
Can perform a full move after making an attack. |
Dragoons, Gajnal, Markabata
Move One After Attack |
Can move one tile for free after attacking. |
Javelin Riders
Move or Attack |
Unit can move or attack during its turn, but not both. |
Arquebusiers, Musketeers
Multi-Move |
Can move until all Movement Points are depleted, ignoring zones of control. |
Cossacks, Hunnic Horde, Mongol Horde
Multi-rocket Bombard |
Can use the bombard action twice per turn. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. |
Navigator |
Damaged (-35 Health per ) by consecutive turns spent in deep water. |
Bireme, Faulua, Quadrireme
Nimble Craft |
Allows embarking and disembarking instantly, but is damaged (-35 Health per ) by spending consecutive turns on Ocean tiles. |
Nuclear Device |
Detonates one turn after it is launched, creating nuclear fallout. |
Nuclear Missile, Thermonuclear Missile
Pathfinder |
Ignores Movement penalties from Forests. |
Boomerang Throwers, Runner, Scouts
Peace Protector |
Bonus Combat Strength (+?) for each war declared on their owner. |
Phalanx |
Grants additional Combat Strength (+1) for each Unit with the Phalanx ability adjacent. |
Piercing |
Stronger (+5) when attacking. |
Pillager |
Generates additional Money (+10% per "Pillager" Unit in the ransacking Army) when destroying an Outpost or Independent Camp. |
Assyrian Raiders
Pioneer |
Collecting Pioneer Curiosities creates new Units. |
Bagèndí Pioneers
Plant Lore |
Knowledge of beneficial plants provides Health Regeneration (+? Health per ) outside of Friendly Territories to all Units in their Army. |
Poison |
Applies a poisoned Status to the target, which reduces its Movement speed and attack range (-2 and -1) |
Noble Javelineers
Privateer |
Appears as neutral pirate Army, so does not cause Grievances. |
Proselyte |
Bonus Combat Strength (+3) against enemies with different State Religion. |
Teutonic Knights
Quick Embark |
Can embark and disembark instantly and can immediately attack after disembarking. |
Landing Craft
Raider's Ardor |
Each enemy Unit destroyed in battle increases this Unit's Ardor Combat Strength bonus (+2 per kill). The Ardor bonus lasts until the battle is over or this Unit is destroyed. |
Cahokia Raiders
Ramming |
Increased Movement speed in battle and has bonus Combat Strength (+5) against adjacent targets. |
Ransacker |
Bonus Combat Strength (+3) when ransacking and fighting on enemy Districts. |
Gothic Cavalry
Ransacker Boost |
Combat Strength bonus (+?) after performing a ransack. |
Repeating Crossbow Volley |
Stronger Attacks (+8) after the Unit spends a Round defending. |
Lián nŭ bīng
Rower's Defiance |
After moving in Battle, this Unit receives bonus Combat Strength (+8) for defense. |
Waka Taua
Sabotage |
Can disrupt a foreign District and undermine opposing Armies. |
Sapper |
Gain bonus Combat Strength (+8) when attacking an enemy Unit behind City Walls. |
Maori Tangata
Screening Ship |
Enemy Torpedo Vessels cannot attack when they are adjacent to this Unit. |
Destroyer, Steam Frigate
Shared Ardor |
When this Unit destroys an enemy in battle, it inspires all its allies and provides them with an Ardor bonus (+2). |
Shatter |
Can attack Fortifications. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. |
Helicopter Gunship, Howitzer, Man O' War
Ship of the Line |
Gains Combat Strength (+5) when adjacent to exactly two other friendly Units. |
Ironclad, Man O' War
Siege Mastery |
Bonus Combat Strength (+3) when participating in an assault or sortie. |
Skilled Navigator |
Receives less damage (-20 Health per ) from consecutive turns spent in deep water. |
Sly |
Ignore hostile zones of control. |
Spotter |
This Unit's attack removes the bonus Combat Strength gained by enemies In Forest and Behind Walls. |
Stealth |
Able to enter any foreign Territory and remain Concealed as long as they have any Stealth. In Battle, they are invisible until attacking or adjacent to enemy Units. |
Commandos, Diesel Submarine, Evidenzbureau Agents, Guerrilleros, Jungle Brigades, Nuclear Submarine, Partisans, Prowlers, Rotiskenrakehte, Soldaderas, Stealth Corvette, Uboat
Suppression |
The targeted Unit cannot move next turn. |
Armored Personnel Carrier, Gatling Elephant, Gigir, Heavy Machine Gun, Mrap Vehicle, Rocket Cart
Tactical Superiority |
Grants bonus Combat Strength if at least one allied Unit is adjacent to this Unit's target. |
Praetorian Guards
Torpedo Attack |
Receives a very high Combat Strength bonus when attacking Capital Ships. |
Diesel Submarine, Nuclear Submarine, Torpedo Boat, Uboat
Trample |
Stronger (+4) when attacking weaker Units. |
War Elephant
Unified Force |
Grants additional Combat Strength (+1) for each Aga-Ush Unit in the same Army. |
Unrestricted |
Moves faster on roads (+?) and has no restrictions on movement in Foreign Territory. Cannot perform offensive actions. |
Unstoppable |
Bonus Combat Strength (+8) when attacking stronger Units. |
Up in Arms |
Doubles the number of Militia Units when a City is besieged. |