
Unit have different classes and traits. These are the unique passive abilities which vary unit to unit.

Unit classes[]

Name Description Unit(s)
Aircraft Carrier Can transport aircraft. Aircraft Carrier
Animal Close-combat Unit that behaves erratically in battle. Can be hunted for by certain Units. Bear, Deer, Mammoth
Anti-Cavalry Close-combat Unit. Receives bonus Combat Strength (+8) when fighting mounted enemies. Aga-Ush, Halberdiers, Hoplites, Immortals, Naginata Samurai, Pikemen, Reisläufer, Ṣäbu Ša Qašti, Sapa Inca Guards, Spearmen
Armoured Vehicle Immune to "Suppression". All Terrain PMV, Anti-Aircraft Gun, Armored Personnel Carrier, Main Battle Tank, Medium Tank, Mrap Vehicle, Red Army Tank
Armoured Vessel Immune to "Suppression". Battleship, Missile Cruiser, Stealth Corvette
Boarding Vessel Cannot target Land Units. The targeted Units also take damage when they next move. (Applies Boarded status to targets) Cog, Faulua, Pentekonter, Privateers, Quadrireme
Bomber Specialized air-strike Unit able to damage enemy Land Units and structures, but unable to patrol or fight aircraft. Strategic Bomber
Capital Ship Expensive but powerful warship. Takes reduced damage (-50%) in combat. Ironclad, Man O' War
Cavalry Close-combat Unit that ignores enemy zones of control. Particularly good for running down Ranged Units. Unable to climb Fortifications. Assyrian Raiders, Haras, Horsemen, Meharists, Scout Riders
Diplomatic Agents Leverage Intel-gathering Unit that can influence Independent Peoples (+1Patronage) by visiting them. Envoy
Escort Ship Fast, cheaper ship used for reconnaissance and escorting Capital Ships. Carrack, Destroyer, Galleass, Geobukseon, Sloop, Steam Frigate
Fighter Patrol aircraft Unit able to provide vision and counter enemy aircraft. Can also strike ground targets with reduced efficiency. Biplane, Monoplane Fighter, Reisen
Gun Platform No special rules.
Gunner Ranged-combat Unit, must have line of sight to attack. Fights at full Combat Strength even when defending against close-combat attacks. With Entrenching Tool, gains "Dug-In" status if they do not move during their Battle round. Alpini, Arquebusiers, Buccaneers, Commandos, Conquistadores, Conscripts, Cossacks, Dragoons, Evidenzbureau Agents, Free Officers, Gajnal, Gatling Elephant, Gauchos, Guerrilleros, Highlanders, Irregulars, Janissaries, Jazayerchis, Jungle Brigades, Koa Warriors, Line Infantry, Musketeers, Oromo Cavalry, Partisans, Peacekeepers, Redcoats, Reservists, Rifles, Rotiskenrakehte, Soldaderas
Gunship Ignores all constraints and bonuses from terrain, and cannot be attacked by Melee Units. Helicopter Gunship
Heavy Cavalry Fast, hard-hitting mounted Unit able to charge enemies. Receives bonus Combat Strength (+3) if attacking non-adjacent enemies. Unable to climb Fortifications. Chariot, Cuirassiers, Franci Milites, Gigir, Gothic Cavalry, Knights, Teutonic Knights, War Elephant, Winged Hussars, Zhànche
Heavy Weapon Ranged-combat Unit, must have line of sight to attack. Can only move or attack in a turn. Cannot retaliate when attacked by a close-combat Unit. With Entrenching Tool, gains "Dug-In" status if they do not move during their Battle round. Anti-Tank Gun, Guardians, Heavy Machine Gun, Howitzer, Mortar, Rocket Cart, Siege Artillery
Melee Close-combat Unit. Cahokia Raiders, Citizens, Construction Team, Draftees, Gaesati, Great Swordsmen, Headhunters, Healers, Impi, Jaguar Warriors, Levies, Maori Tangata, Peasants, Praetorian Guards, Promachoi, Prowlers, Runner, Scouts, Settler, Shotelai, Swordsmen, Varangian Guards, Warriors
Missile Consumed to perform a single strike action on a distant target. Cruise Missile, Nuclear Missile, Stealthy Operative Missile, Thermonuclear Missile
Multi Role Aircraft Versatile aircraft Unit which can perform both patrols and air-strikes effectively. Lightning, Multirole Fighter
Naval Transport Naval Unit that replaces Land Units which embark to travel across Ocean tiles. Movement Points are reduced to 2 when in Battle. Bireme, Caravel, Fluyt, Landing Craft, Langskip, Mtepe, Transport Galley, Waka Taua
Nomad Special Unit that gathers Food through fighting and ransacking in order to multiply. Unable to climb Fortifications. Cannot be added to a regular Army. Bagèndí Pioneers, Hunnic Horde, Mongol Horde, Tribe
Ranged Ranged-combat Unit. Receives a penalty (-8) when defending against close-combat attacks. Archer, Bagaturi, Baira Hunters, Boomerang Throwers, Crossbowmen, Dhanvī-gaja, Javelin Riders, Javelin Throwers, Lián nŭ bīng, Longbowmen, Maasai Morans, Markabata, Noble Javelineers, Saṃnāhya, Ta-Seti Archers
Siege Artillery Ranged-combat Unit, must have line of sight to attack. Can destroy fortified tiles but cannot retaliate when attacked by a close-combat Unit.
Siege Weapon Can only be constructed during a siege using accumulated siege works. Cannot enter City tile or retaliate when attacked by a close-combat Unit. Ballista, Battering Ram, Trebuchet
Stealth Agents Leverage Intel-gathering Unit that can engage in Stealth Actions when Concealed. Spymaster
Torpedo Vessel Cheap glass cannon meant to destroy Capital Ships. Cannot attack when adjacent to enemy Screening Ships. Diesel Submarine, Nuclear Submarine, Torpedo Boat, Uboat

Unit traits[]

Name Description Unit(s)
Advanced Colony Create a City with some Industry and 3Population, as well as a set of Infrastructures from the Medieval Era and earlier. Settler
All-Terrain Ignores all terrain Movement penalties. All Terrain PMV, Evidenzbureau Agents
Ambusher Stronger (+6) on Forest Tiles. Javelin Throwers
Anti-Aircraft Provides anti-air power equal to the Unit's Combat Strength. Anti-Aircraft Gun, Destroyer, Missile Cruiser
Anti-Cavalry Bonus Combat Strength (+8) when fighting mounted Units. Meharists
Anti-Colonialism Allied Units gain a Combat Strength bonus (+3) when attacking stronger Units. Free Officers
Aerial Stealth Able to bypass anti-air defenses and perform anonymous strikes as long as they have any Stealth. Lightning, Stealthy Operative Missile
Armor-Piercing Gain bonus Combat Strength (+8) when targeting Armoured Vehicles and Armoured Vessels. Anti-Tank Gun, Main Battle Tank
Bastion Stronger (+3) when fighting from high ground and fortified position. Immortals
Battering Ram Can only attack walls. Battering Ram
Boleadoras The first attack in a battle from this Unit will also apply the Suppression status (-5, cannot move next turn) to its target. Gauchos
Bombard Can bombard Districts and battlefields from out of battle. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. Battleship, Siege Artillery
Canoe Fighters This Unit receives no penalties from Rivers. Baira Hunters
Champion Stronger (+4) when attacking during the first round. Promachoi
Charge Master When charging the target cannot retaliate. Winged Hussars
Cliffs Crosser Can cross cliffs. Alpini
Coastal Ship Destroyed by spending more than 1turn in deep water. Pentekonter, Transport Galley
Conveyor Increased Movement speed (+4) when starting its turn in an allied Territory. Fluyt
Cultural Ambassador Visiting Foreign Cities allows for both parties to gain Influence (+10%). Visiting Independent Peoples allows for increased Patronage (+1) Envoy
Defender Stronger (+?) when defending. Reisläufer
Disinformation Can manipulate a City and create an Army Decoy after unlocking the Military Coordination Technology. Spymaster
El Dorado Generates additional Money (double) from winning battles and ransacking. Conquistadores
Elephant Platform Ignores penalties from fighting in melee. Dhanvī-gaja, Saṃnāhya
Enforcers Drains additional Stability during Sieges. Haras
Expedition Regenerates Health (+20 Health per ) when outside of your Territory. Boomerang Throwers, Redcoats
Experienced Bonus Combat Strength (+1 per level) from Veterancy levels. Oromo Cavalry
Exceptional Accuracy Can shoot at a target without having a clear Line of Sight to it (with no penalty to ). Ta-Seti Archers
Fervor No Combat Strength penalty from damage. Gaesati, Jaguar Warriors
Field Repairs Regenerates Health (+? Health) after a Battle. Red Army Tank
Grapeshot Gain bonus Combat Strength (+6) when attacking enemies at close range. Sloop
Grappler Has a larger zone of control (2tiles) which cannot be ignored. Shotelai
Guardian Stronger (+3) when standing on friendly District. Ṣäbu Ša Qašti
Guerilla Fighters Able to remain hidden in Battle even after attacking, unless adjacent to an enemy Unit. Soldaderas
Guerilla Tactics Apply a Stability penalty (-?) when standing on a hostile City's Territory. Guerrilleros
Heavy Charge Receives a higher Combat Strength bonus (+5) when charging. Franci Milites
Heavier Charge Receives a much higher Combat Strength bonus (+7) when charging. Cuirassiers
High Sea Ignores any penalties from deep water. Caravel, Langskip, Waka Taua
Highland Charge Bonus Combat Strength (+?) when moving next to their target before attacking. Ignores all terrain movement penalties during a charge. Highlanders
Home Guard Appears automatically to defend your Cities from attack. Gains a "Guardian" Combat Strength bonus (+3 versus melee attacks) when occupying a District tile. Citizens, Conscripts, Draftees, Irregulars, Levies, Peasants, Reservists
Honor Code Prevents its Army from retreating. Naginata Samurai, Varangian Guards
Immobile Cannot move once deployed. Trebuchet
Imperial Bastions This Unit is much stronger (+6) when fighting from high ground and fortified positions. Sapa Inca Guards
Implacable Bonus Combat Strength (+8) against damaged targets. Koa Warriors, Maasai Morans
Indirect Fire Unit can attack Units without a clear Line of Sight. Archer, Baira Hunters, Longbowmen
Indirect Shatter Unit can attack Units without a clear Line of Sight. Can attack Fortifications. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. Ironclad, Mortar
Infiltration Can watch a foreign City, siphon a foreign District and track opposing Armies. Spymaster
Inner Sea Mastodonte Much higher Combat Strength (+11) when in Coastal Waters. Galleass
Light Destroyed if a single attack ever removes more than half of the Unit's Health. Reisen
Mandate of Heaven Bonus Combat Strength (+3) when Stability is high. Zhànche
Master Ambusher Provides increased ambusher bonuses (+?) when on Forest Tiles. Jungle Brigades
Mercenary Corps When provided to other Empires through the Arms Deal Agreement, this Unit costs 10% less to build, and generates more income for its original Empire, per active Agreement. Reisläufer
Modern City Create a City with some Industry and 6Population, as well as a set of Infrastructures from the Industrial Era and earlier. Construction Team
Move and Fire Can perform a full move after making an attack. Dragoons, Gajnal, Markabata
Move One After Attack Can move one tile for free after attacking. Javelin Riders
Move or Attack Unit can move or attack during its turn, but not both. Arquebusiers, Musketeers
Multi-Move Can move until all Movement Points are depleted, ignoring zones of control. Cossacks, Hunnic Horde, Mongol Horde
Multi-rocket Bombard Can use the bombard action twice per turn. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. Guardians
Navigator Damaged (-35 Health per ) by consecutive turns spent in deep water. Bireme, Faulua, Quadrireme
Nimble Craft Allows embarking and disembarking instantly, but is damaged (-35 Health per ) by spending consecutive turns on Ocean tiles. Mtepe
Nuclear Device Detonates one turn after it is launched, creating nuclear fallout. Nuclear Missile, Thermonuclear Missile
Pathfinder Ignores Movement penalties from Forests. Boomerang Throwers, Runner, Scouts
Peace Protector Bonus Combat Strength (+?) for each war declared on their owner. Peacekeepers
Phalanx Grants additional Combat Strength (+1) for each Unit with the Phalanx ability adjacent. Hoplites
Piercing Stronger (+5) when attacking. Jazayerchis
Pillager Generates additional Money (+10% per "Pillager" Unit in the ransacking Army) when destroying an Outpost or Independent Camp. Assyrian Raiders
Pioneer Collecting Pioneer Curiosities creates new Units. Bagèndí Pioneers
Plant Lore Knowledge of beneficial plants provides Health Regeneration (+? Health per ) outside of Friendly Territories to all Units in their Army. Healers
Poison Applies a poisoned Status to the target, which reduces its Movement speed and attack range (-2 and -1) Noble Javelineers
Privateer Appears as neutral pirate Army, so does not cause Grievances. Privateers
Proselyte Bonus Combat Strength (+3) against enemies with different State Religion. Teutonic Knights
Quick Embark Can embark and disembark instantly and can immediately attack after disembarking. Landing Craft
Raider's Ardor Each enemy Unit destroyed in battle increases this Unit's Ardor Combat Strength bonus (+2 per kill). The Ardor bonus lasts until the battle is over or this Unit is destroyed. Cahokia Raiders
Ramming Increased Movement speed in battle and has bonus Combat Strength (+5) against adjacent targets. Geobukseon
Ransacker Bonus Combat Strength (+3) when ransacking and fighting on enemy Districts. Gothic Cavalry
Ransacker Boost Combat Strength bonus (+?) after performing a ransack. Bagaturi
Repeating Crossbow Volley Stronger Attacks (+8) after the Unit spends a Round defending. Lián nŭ bīng
Rower's Defiance After moving in Battle, this Unit receives bonus Combat Strength (+8) for defense. Waka Taua
Sabotage Can disrupt a foreign District and undermine opposing Armies. Spymaster
Sapper Gain bonus Combat Strength (+8) when attacking an enemy Unit behind City Walls. Maori Tangata
Screening Ship Enemy Torpedo Vessels cannot attack when they are adjacent to this Unit. Destroyer, Steam Frigate
Shared Ardor When this Unit destroys an enemy in battle, it inspires all its allies and provides them with an Ardor bonus (+2). Headhunters
Shatter Can attack Fortifications. Removes "Dug-In" status on target. Helicopter Gunship, Howitzer, Man O' War
Ship of the Line Gains Combat Strength (+5) when adjacent to exactly two other friendly Units. Ironclad, Man O' War
Siege Mastery Bonus Combat Strength (+3) when participating in an assault or sortie. Janissaries
Skilled Navigator Receives less damage (-20 Health per ) from consecutive turns spent in deep water. Cog
Sly Ignore hostile zones of control.
Spotter This Unit's attack removes the bonus Combat Strength gained by enemies In Forest and Behind Walls. Buccaneers
Stealth Able to enter any foreign Territory and remain Concealed as long as they have any Stealth. In Battle, they are invisible until attacking or adjacent to enemy Units. Commandos, Diesel Submarine, Evidenzbureau Agents, Guerrilleros, Jungle Brigades, Nuclear Submarine, Partisans, Prowlers, Rotiskenrakehte, Soldaderas, Stealth Corvette, Uboat
Suppression The targeted Unit cannot move next turn. Armored Personnel Carrier, Gatling Elephant, Gigir, Heavy Machine Gun, Mrap Vehicle, Rocket Cart
Tactical Superiority Grants bonus Combat Strength if at least one allied Unit is adjacent to this Unit's target. Praetorian Guards
Torpedo Attack Receives a very high Combat Strength bonus when attacking Capital Ships. Diesel Submarine, Nuclear Submarine, Torpedo Boat, Uboat
Trample Stronger (+4) when attacking weaker Units. War Elephant
Unified Force Grants additional Combat Strength (+1) for each Aga-Ush Unit in the same Army. Aga-Ush
Unrestricted Moves faster on roads (+?) and has no restrictions on movement in Foreign Territory. Cannot perform offensive actions. Envoy
Unstoppable Bonus Combat Strength (+8) when attacking stronger Units. Impi
Up in Arms Doubles the number of Militia Units when a City is besieged. Reservists