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Perhaps you don't really need to focus on markets when you have deep philosophers... and dangerous chariots.~ When entering new Era with this culture
So these are the Zhou? With luck, they'll prefer thinking and meditating to unleashing their chariots.~ When meeting this culture

The Zhou are one of the cultures available in the Ancient Era, with the Aesthete culture focus.

"Under the mandate of heaven, the Zhou will oversee an era of social, philosophical, and cultural growth the likes of which the world has never seen."

Culture orientation[]

Aesthete culture icon Aesthete cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on Influence and diplomacy.

These cultures gain extra Fame from Aesthete Era Stars for earning Influence.

Affinity Action: Cultural Blitz[]

Can spend Money promoting patriotic works of art in specific Territories, pushing back foreign spheres of influence and generating Influence.

  • Immediately bring one of your Empire's Territories back into its sphere of influence, and gain Influence for each adjacent Territory already in your sphere.
  • If you do not have the strongest Influence in the Territory, there is a high chance it will start converting back after you use this action.

Affinity Bonus: Grace[]

Cultural Proximity is always maxed out due to Aesthete affinity.

Transcendence Bonus: Artist's Might[]

+5%Influence on District.

Trait: Harmonious Thought[]

Emblematic quarter: Confucian School[]

“With loyalty to authority a central strand of the teachings of Confucius, inspired thought inspires exemplary conduct.”

Confucian School

Emblematic unit: Zhànche[]

“Zhànche are horse towed vehicles carrying a crew of two and help commanders observe and control the battlefield.”

Heavy Cavalry
Fast, hard-hitting mounted Unit able to charge enemies. Receives bonus Combat Strength (+3) if attacking non-adjacent enemies. Unable to climb Fortifications.
Mandate of Heaven
Bonus Combat Strength (+3) when Stability is high.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

Hàojīng, Fēnghào, Luòyì, Wàngchéng, Qūfù, Jì, Línzī, Jìchéng, Qǔwò, Shāngqiū.

  • Since Zhou is an Ancient culture, the Zhou player's capital city will bear the first name on the city list.


  • The in-game appearance of the Zhou City Center is based on the Sacrificial Halls (xiangtang 享堂) of the Royal Tombs of Zhongshan Kingdom as depicted on a bronze plaque excavated from the royal tombs.

Encyclopedia Entry[]

Under the mandate of heaven, the Zhou will oversee an era of social, philosophical, and cultural growth the likes of which the world has never seen.

In the 19th century BCE the Shang dynasty in China was overthrown by the Zhou dynasty, who would then remain in power for nearly 800 years, the longest reign in Chinese history. The era is composed of two periods: the first known as "Western Zhou," which spanned the period from 1045 until 771 BCE, and the second known as "Eastern Zhou," which ended in 256 BCE when the last Zhou king was forced into exile.

To learn more:

The origin of the Zhou dynasty is vague and has produced many legends. It was likely around 1045 BCE that the future King Wu overthrew the Shang king. The vast lands that were conquered were then divided up between members of the royal family and the nobility, resulting in the creation of principalities. Over time these principalities became increasingly powerful, while the power of the Zhou kings declined irreparably. The provincial lords soon began fighting each other and the kingdom descended into endless conflicts. The end of the Zhou dynasty is also divided into two periods: the "Spring and Autumn period" (722-481 BCE) and the "Warring States period" (481-221 BCE). The first of these saw the rise of the great philosophers such as Confucius and Laozi. It was at this time that schools of thought emerged that have had a lasting impact on culture in China and its neighboring kingdoms. In the second period, constant fighting between the various states led to the collapse of the Zhou dynasty and the advent of a new dynasty, the Qin, which would unify all of China.

Did you know?

The concept of the Mandate of Heaven began during the Zhou dynasty and would be used throughout Chinese history to prove the legitimacy of the ruler. Anointed by Heaven, Sons of Heaven were seen as rewarded for virtuous behavior or punished for poor actions, a concept that was eventually used to justify overthrowing rulers.[1]

  1. In-game encyclopedia