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The world is holding its breath to see what this famously military culture wants — and how it gets it.~ When entering new Era with this culture
Not everyone who meets the Zulu considers it a good omen. Prepare yourself for a challenging relationship.~ When meeting this culture

The Zulu are one of the cultures available in the Industrial Era, with the Militarist culture focus.

"A culture based on martial prowess and ancient traditions, the Zulus will fight to the death to preserve their way of life from invading powers."

Culture orientation[]

Militarist culture icon Militarist cultures favour a gameplay orientation focused on waging and inciting wars.

These cultures earn extra Fame from Militarist Era Stars for defeating enemy Military Units.

Affinity Action: Iron Reserves[]

Can periodically call upon able bodied patriots to take up arms in defense of the mother land.

  • Instantly raise Militia Armies in your Cities, these militia behave like regular armies, cost no maintenance and upgrade automatically when a better version is unlocked in the tech tree.
  • The Militias only cost Population to raise, limited to your maximum army size. In the Industrial Era and Contemporary Era militia costs 2Population each.
  • Militia Units can be upgraded into professional Units in the Anti-Cavalry branch starting from Spearmen up to Rifles.
  • The ability can be used once per turn and may be used to rapidly resettle population if needed.

Affinity Bonus: Vigilance[]

+30War Support equilibrium value on Relations.

Transcendence Bonus: Bond Among Warriors[]

-5% Army upkeep on Army and Squadron.

Trait: Warrior's Pride[]

Emblematic quarter: Warrior's Izindlu[]

“A Zulu military camp where warriors live and breathe the martial life, toughening themselves for the coming battles.”

Warrior's Izindlu

Emblematic unit: Impi[]

“Swiftly closing on the enemy, the impi engage in ferocious hand-to-hand combat and revel in fighting better-armed adversaries.”

Close-combat Unit.
Bonus Combat Strength (+8) when attacking stronger Units.

City names[]

The names listed are default names, players can change their cities' names if they choose.

KwaBulawayo, Ulundi, uMgungundlovu, Nobamba, KwaDukuza, Nodwengu, Eziqwaqweni

  • The first new city found by this culture will use the first name on the city list.
